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AKC/Eukanuba National Championship to Air on ABC Television Network February 4th

Published: Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 - 12:00 pm

-- Watch the Top Dogs in the Nation Compete for Best in Show and $225,000 in Prizes --

NEW YORK, Jan. 26, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Don't miss the World's Greatest Dog Show, the AKC Eukanuba National Championship.  This year's show will air on ABC on Saturday, February 4th at 2:00 pm EST (check local listings). Watch as the country's premier dogs vie for the biggest dog show prize in the world!

ESPN anchor Todd Grisham will join AKC's Assistant Vice President Gina DiNardo for commentary duties on the eleventh edition of the National Championship. Grisham with his trademark humor and enthusiasm along with DiNardo's life-long involvement with purebred dogs will make for an exciting and fun as well as educational broadcast for all dog lovers.

"This year will be extra exciting as we present top show dogs who made it to the seven groups from the largest invitation-only dog show in AKC's history, as well as the largest dog show in the country in 2011," DiNardo said. "Viewers will be able to watch each of AKC's 173 breeds as well as learn how the predictability of purebred dogs can make it easy to match a particular breed to fit your lifestyle."

Six new AKC-recognized breeds will make their television dog show debut during the broadcast – the American English Coonhound, Cesky Terrier, Entlebucher Mountain Dog, Finnish Lapphund, Norwegian Lundehund and Xoloitzcuintli. Catch these diverse breeds – raccoon hunters, puffin dogs and cow herders – in the show ring and learn more about them at

During the broadcast join us for behind-the-scenes tidbits on Facebook and participate in a Tweet Chat with dog show fans on Twitter using the hashtag #AKCEukShow. Fans can stop by to root for their favorites or chat with other dog show enthusiasts.

Additional footage, including the full coverage of groups, the Eukanuba World Challenge and the Eukanuba Breeder's Stakes, will be available at Bred-By-Exhibitor group videos are available on the AKC website.

Visit for more information about the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.

The American Kennel Club (AKC), founded in 1884, maintains the largest registry of purebred dogs in the world. Its rules and regulations govern more than 20,000 canine competitions each year.          

Eukanuba offers the most complete food lineup, delivering nutrition that is customized by breed and breed size as well as health and performance requirements. Eukanuba is a division of Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG), and you can visit us on the Web at


SOURCE American Kennel Club

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