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The easiest way to picture the significance of Poland for Jews before WW2 is to show a map speckled with hundreds of dots marking Jewish communities.

With all of them displayed at once our map would be illegible, yet all cities and, most of all, small towns once inhabited by Jews can be located. Beside their location, our database contains basic information on their history, number of Jews, Holocaust destruction, extant sites and memorials.


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 Locality: BĘDZIN
 Name: Bedzin, Bendin, Bendzin
 State before 1939: Poland
 State in 1945: Poland
 Województwo w 1939: kieleckie
 Województwo w 2007: katowickie
 Odleglosc od duzego miasta: 15 km NE of Katowice
 Pierwsze wzmianki o Zydach: 1453
 Informacje o gminie zydowskiej: In 16th c. Jews granted the right to settle; in 1765 with 446 Jewish inhabitants.
 Liczba Zydów przed 1939:
 Rok spisu: 1921
 Liczba: 17298
 Procent: 62.1
 Getto: July 1,1940-Aug.1943 with c.5,500 Jews imprisoned, including inhabitants of Oswiecim; resistance - ŻOB was active.
 Zaglada: Auschwitz, April, Nov. 1942, June, Aug. 1943 (7,000 people).
 Zachowane obiekty:
 Adres: down by the Castle
 Czas powstania: 19th c.
 Sposób uzytkowania: burnt 8/9.09.1939
 Adres: Góra Zamkowa
 Czas powstania: 19th c.
 Najstarszy nagrobek: 1831
 Ilosc nagrobków: 300
 Uwagi: New (19th c.), Sielecka Str.,destroyed
 Pomniki pamieci:
1. At the synagogue site; 2.Memorial inscription to 40 Jews executed on Sept.9, 1939,. 22 lipca Str.
 Data aktualizacji: 2001-01-07
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