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XBIZ™ is the adult entertainment industry's leading source for business news and information, providing up-to-the-minute coverage of the industry at XBIZ.com and in two monthly trade journals — XBIZ World for the Internet and technology sectors and XBIZ Premiere for the retail market. In addition, XBIZ hosts two annual trade conferences, the XBIZ Forum and XBIZ Conference, which culminates with the annual XBIZ Awards, a red carpet gala event honoring the most influential companies and performers who play an essential role in the growth and popularity of adult entertainment around the globe. XBIZ is frequently cited in mainstream media for coverage of the adult entertainment industry and has been published in CNN, Fox News, Newsweek, MSNBC, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Wired, CNET, ABC, USA Today and Los Angeles Times among others.

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