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Tips for Tax Time

Just like clockwork, it's time to think about taxes again. Whether you're looking to maximize your refund, avoid paying taxes, or need help if you can't make your tax payment, the tax deadline is approaching. Here are some tax tips.

Tax Tips for 2010
Financial Planning Spotlight10

Keeping Health Care Costs Down

Thursday March 8, 2012

We all feel the pain of rising health care costs, and insurance premiums are just part of the problem. It seems like every year we pay higher premiums for even less care, and that can really hurt the bottom line. Is there anything you can do to cut costs on health insurance? Thankfully, there is. While you may not be able to reduce your costs to zero, there are a few things you can do to reduce your costs on health insurance.

The College Debt Crisis

Wednesday February 29, 2012

We all know that student loans can set students back tens of thousands of dollars upon graduating college, but the debt problems don't stop there. As well as student loans, most students are faced with credit card debt. It makes sense to get some form of credit in college to begin building that credit history, but all too often things spiral out of control. with limited income and high credit limits it's easy to begin spending above your means and find yourself in a big problem down the road. So, here are a few tips to keep you from becoming the next college credit crisis statistic.

Joint or Separate Bank Accounts?

Monday February 27, 2012

This is one of the many questions a new couple asks. Clearly, there are some benefits to be had by simplifying banking, but problems can also arise from this arrangement. It's also not a simple answer because not everyone treats their money or their relationship the same. So, if you're married or thinking about getting married, here are some things to consider when it's time to decide whether you should have joint or separate bank accounts.

Check Your Tax Withholding For a Bigger Paycheck

Sunday February 19, 2012

Have you ever done your taxes but find yourself surprised at the amount you owe or will be getting back as a refund? A large refund or tax bill is a sign you didn't have the correct amount withheld from your paycheck. One of the easiest things you can do to maximize how much you bring home with each paycheck and avoid paying Uncle Sam too much is to adjust your tax withholding. Did you receive a large refund this year? If so, that means you were having too much money withheld from your paycheck. Sure, it's always nice to get a refund check in the spring, but you're really just giving the IRS an interest-free loan when you could have been making use of those extra dollars.

Having proper withholding isn't just for controlling refunds, but it is even more important if you find yourself on the other side of the coin and need to write a check to the IRS come April. Nobody likes shelling out more money for taxes, so having your withholding set up appropriately can prevent this. It is a fine line to walk in order to put as much money in your pocket without having to pay up at the end of the year. Luckily, the IRS can help you determine how to set your withholding. Check out the IRS withholding calculator.

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