Statistics Faroe Islands > Statistics > Population and elections

Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (2009-2011) Updated: 13.02.2012 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (2006-2008) Updated: August 2011 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (2003-2005) Updated: August 2011 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (2000-2002) Updated: Oct. 2008 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (1997-1999) Updated: Oct. 2008 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (1994-1996) Updated: Oct. 2008 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (1991-1993) Updated: Oct. 2008 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (1988-1990) Updated: Oct. 2008 
Changes in population, by village/city, month, immigration and emigration (1985-1987) Updated: Oct. 2008 
Population 1. January by village/city and gender (1985-2011) Updated: August 2011 
Population by gender and age, 1. January (1985-2011) Updated: April 2011 
Population by gender, age and village/city, 1. January (2010-2011) Updated: April 2011 
Population by gender, age and village/city, 1. January (2005-2009) Updated: May 2010 
Population by gender, age and village/city, 1. January (2000-2004) Updated: May 2006 
Population by gender, age and village/city, 1. January (1995-1999) Updated: May 2006 
Population by gender, age and village/city, 1. January (1990-1994) Updated: May 2006 
Population by gender, age and village/city, 1. January (1985-1989) Updated: May 2006 
Population by gender and citizenship, 1. January (1985-2011) Updated: April 2011 
Population by gender, age and citizenship, 1. January 2011 Updated: April 2011 
Population by gender, age and citizenship, 1. January 2010 Updated: April 2011 
Population by gender, age and citizenship, 1. January 2009 Updated: May 2010 
Population by gender, age and citizenship, 1. January 2008 Updated: April 2009 
Population by gender, age and citizenship, 1. January 2007 Updated: April 2008 
Population by gender, age and citizenship, 1. January 2006 Updated: April 2008 
Population by gender, age and citizenship, 1. January 2005 Updated: April 2007 
Population by marital status, gender and age, 1. January 1996 - 2010 Updated: April 2011 

Changes in population by born, dead and migrated (1970-2010) Updated: April 2011 
Live births and deaths by village/city and gender (1985-2010) Updated: April 2011 
Life expectancy by age and gender (1971-2010) Updated: April 2011 
Frequency of births by age of mother (1970-2010) Updated: April 2011 
Live births by time and age of mother (1990-2010) Updated: April 2011 
Number of induced abortions by female age (1994-2009) Updated: May 2010 
Number of death by age and gender (1985-2010) Updated: April 2011 
Frequency of death (death per 1.000) by age and gender (1985-2009) Updated: May 2010 
Causes of death by gender, diseases and agegroups (2008-2009) Updated: Sept. 2011 
Causes of death by gender, diseases and agegroups (1983-2007) Updated: Sept. 2009 
Marriages and divorces (1990-2010) Updated: May 2011 

Matrix of migration 2005-2010 Updated: April 2011 
Matrix of migration 1995-2004 Updated: May 2006 
Matrix of migration 1985-1994 Updated: May 2006 

Surnames 2001-2010 Updated: August 2011 
Males names 2001-2010 Updated: August 2011 
Females names 2001-2010 Updated: August 2011 
Boys names 2001-2010 Updated: August 2011 
Girls names 2001-2010 Updated: August 2011 

Election for the Faroese Parlament by districts and parties (1906-2004) Updated: Jan. 2008 
Election for the Faroese Parlament by parties votes and mandates (1978-2008) Updated: Jan. 2008 
Mandates, direct and additional by parties and districts (1998-2004) Updated: Jan. 2008 
Election for the Danish Parlament in Faroe Islands by districts and parties (1906-2011) Updated: Nov. 2011