Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ROFLMAO- if it wasn't so sad: Stupid, Inane, Delusional, Morons and Wikileaks

Decided to add my two-cents to the Wikileaks drama or nondrama…I am going to assume that this batch of documents did not endanger the lives of any operatives or informants in overseas hotspots. I am making this assumption because the only thing that the major newspapers are reporting is that Angela Merkel has no personality, Ahmadinejad is not resoundly liked, Bibi is right and that Putin is a putz. So my commentary is not going to dwell on the harm done to American intelligence gathering or the negative position of American diplomacy.Honestly if the world leaders are no longer going to talk to the United States because our diplomats hurt their feelings, then they need to get some new leadership overseas. These people generally I suspect are made of sterner stuff. We are the only nation with a thin-skinned Executive.

The truth of the matter is that the only person or persons that the Wikileaks documents hurts in any way shape or form is Obama and his Secretary of State. It shows that no matter what the world leaders told Obama he doesn’t listen. He truly believes he knows better than everyone else in the world. Leaders who have been on the world scene for decades, who have run their countries and basically run the world, are supposed to bow down and prostrate themselves to the brilliance that is the President of the United States. A man whose entire foreign policy experience, by the way, he learned from a several day trip while running for President. I know he gave that speech while in Berlin during that sojourn, so that must bespeak of him a true understanding of world events. Oh yeah he did win the Nobel Prize for just getting himself elected to the White House.  Everyone knows that becoming the President of the United States carries with it the same danger and the same need for bravery as being a democracy dissident in Burma.

Another interesting take on the Wikileak documents is that, our Secretary of State has made a total ass out of herself. She has carried out Obama’s policies, which I grant her is her job, however, none of what she did goes against he own stated policies. The truth of the matter is that if she was totally against Obama's policies and she really wanted to run for President again she would quit in a very public show of defiance, setting herself up as the democratic alternative in thought and deed. (No this is not about being loyal to an Executive. Everyone knows that the only loyalty the Clinton's have is to themselves,  not even necessarily to each other.)

In fact they, Obama and Clinton, happily take advice and fall in line with the inbred Fletcher School, Georgetown Foreign Service School, Woodrow Wilson School and Kennedy School of Government graduates who populate our foreign service. That it happens to not jive with anyone else on the planet Earth that doesn’t seem to bother any of them. In fact, I would hazard a guess that no matter what a foreign leader would say on a matter, if it was different than their Foggy Bottom feeder taught them, the diplomats would dismiss it as misguided because they, having graduated from these wonderful schools knows better than the rest of the world. I mean when the King of Saudi Arabia tells you that the settlements and the Palestinians are not the big problem but that Iran is and you just don’t listen deciding the old man doesn’t know his stuff, you need to take a big look in the mirror of reality. It is amazing just how none of those at Foggy Bottom know what they are talking about. I mean I have said it here from the beginning of the Obama administration, but who knew I really was so right…(OK I did.) here, here, here

I would have to say the entire episode proves my on going point. That someone without any kind of executive government experience, someone who has never had to create a job, someone who has never had to negotiate a contract, someone who has never even led a brownie troop should not be president of the United States no matter how many catchy slogans his presidential campaign committee can come up with. By the way I have even yet to see what kind of community he even actually organized. Giving good speeches is one thing (of course he can't do it extemporaneously, have teleprompter will travel) but to actually do something that takes a lot of hard work, the ability to organize and to know when to change course, regroup and grow-up is something completely different. Besides there is just some much HOPE you can engender when that CHANGE is not for the better.

Now is this the end of the Obama Administration? Hard to tell. The man has made a total jackass out of himself overseas since he became President. Whether running to try to get the Olympics for Chicago, his latest trip to China where he came away empty handed or even his foray into trying to coddle the Moslem world. (They obviously think he is an idiot.) If he learns the lessons that the Wikileaks documents are trying to teach him, he may yet save his Presidency. But something tells me he isn’t hearing a thing.
He learned nothing from the election when the American people resolutely rejected his policies. Telling everyone no one was listening or if they were listening we are to stupid to understand his thinking. In fact, it is always a good way to get your point across and bring people to your way of thinking by letting that two-faced Bostonian John Kerry, the one with the pole up his tuchas, tell everyone in the country that we are ignorant. Guess the ones who thought of that in the White House think Foggy Bottom knows what it is doing too. 

Case in point, today when they had the meetings with the Republicans to decide the fate of the Bush Tax Cuts, Obamaniks are still refusing to understand basic economics that if you tax the people that create all the jobs, there will be fewer jobs for the average citizen. They also forgot the simple idea that if you want to shrink he deficit you need to stop spending, cut back government, which people want them to do anyway, and do away with the perks that Congress has given themselves. Maybe the White House also shouldn’t take $500,000 vacations either. (But if they are going to go on vacation like that at least spend our tax money in our own country.)

I don’t’ think the Obama administration hears anything. They blame everyone but themselves for their failures. It is a hard thing to be the worst President of the Untied States in the history of the United States. I mean we have had some doozies. When you make Jimmy Carter look like he knew what he was doing as President you know you are in trouble. Of course on top of all the dopes at State, I think we also need to remember that one of the architects of the Carter foreign policy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, is an unofficial advisor to Obama. (Enough said there)

But in the end we only have two years and one month till Obama is gone (let us pray)…hopefully Iran won’t cause a nuclear war in the Middle East culminating in genocide, the world economy will get better on its own and the people of the planet Earth will not leave us too far behind the rest of them.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Happy Happy Happy Hanukkah

Wednesday night marks the beginning of the holiday of Hanukkah. It is the celebration of the time when against all odds the Jewish people threw off their Assyrian oppressors and regained their sovereignty over themselves and their country, Israel (back then it was called Judea). The war was lead by the general Judah Maccabee and his brothers. It is considered the first war for religious freedom and the first war in which guerrilla tactics were used against an occupying power (Allusion to Orwell and doublespeak here.). So contrary to the anti-Semites out there, like Helen Thomas  (here) and her friends in the world, the Jews didn't just arrive in the Land of Israel in 1948. It has been ours for over 3,000 years (here, here). The fact is that what really pissed off the Maccabees was someone telling them that their holy sites weren't theirs (here, here, here) and that their capital Jerusalem didn't belong to them either. You know the more things change the more things stay the same...

Anyway here is some classic Hanukkah music for everyone....

Chag Hanukkah Sameach....Happy Happy Happy Happy Hanukkah.

Read the sister-post at Raising Asperger's Kids

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dolphins Through the Looking Glass

The scientist in the video keeps saying that dolphins are just as smart as humans. Personally I ask,why would the dolphins shoot so low? These animals are inherently kind, thoughtful and full of love. There is no malice or hate or evil in them. In my book that makes them inherently far more intelligent than any humanbeing.

cross posted at Raising Asperger's Kids

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Israeli NGO Brings Extreme Sports to the Disabled

Now just think what the Israelis would do if there was peace. But how can you make peace with people who try to eradicate your existence from history as the Palestinian Authority has just tried to do concerning the holiest Jewish site The Kotel, aka The Western Wall. If the PA can't respect Jewish existence in Israel, what good is any peace agreement? Oslo and the withdrawal from Gaza were total failures weren't they? So much for Israel returning land to the Arabs in exchange for peaceful coexistence.

Presenting Islamic Anti-Semitism at the UN

The following was a presentation by Yigal Carmon of MEMRI to the UN Human Rights Council on the growth of anti-Semitism in the Islamic world.

A little of what Yigal Carmon  of MEMRI is referencing:

New Trends in Arabic Anti-semitism from Henrik Clausen on Vimeo.

h/t Jewlicious

Monday, November 22, 2010

Remember Our Troops This Holiday Season

Your cellphone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain next to his dog tags.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies again.
You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He patrols the streets, searching for insurgents and terrorists.
He's told he will be held over an extra 2 months.  You call your girlfriend and set a date for tonight.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a letter from home.
You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his love's perfume.
You roll your eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new child, and wonders if they'll ever meet.
You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting.
You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.
He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded.
You see only what the media wants you to see.
He sees the broken bodies lying around him.
You are asked to do some thing by your parents. You don't.
He does exactly what he is told even if it puts his life in danger.
You stay at home and watch TV.
He takes whatever time he is given to call, write home, sleep, and eat.
You crawl into your soft bed, with down pillows, and get comfortable.
He tries to sleep but gets woken by mortars and helicopters all night

**REMEMBER our Troops, and do not forget them

Freedom is not free it can come at a terrible price....Bless our children, our husbands, our brothers and sisters, the loves of our lives, as they put themselves in harms way this holiday season...

Jewish Blogging #292

To Kiss A Mezuzah hosts this week's Haveil Havalim #292. A wonderful eclectic look at Jewish blogging worldwide founded by Soccer Dad. Topics range from religious practice, to Israel, to politics and antisemitism. Sit back and read. Not only is it educational but it is truly fun replete with a wonderful myriad of opinions...but of course..

Thursday, November 18, 2010

US State Department, Israel and the Jewish People: Delegitimization, Double Standard and Demonization

You knew it was too good to be true. Hannah Rosenthal the US State Department envoy to combat anti-Semitism gave a wonderful speech at the Conference to Combat Anti-Semitism which was held last week in Toronto. Now the reason I say too good to be true, because the only form of anti-Semitism that Ms. Rosenthal seemed to be concerned about is the Islamaphobia kind.  Of course that might have something to do with Ms. Rosenthal being heavily aligned with that great Israel-supportive group of people at JStreet (sarcasm intended). That Soros funded left-wing organization that includes the likes of Code Pink, the group that brought aide to Hamas and aide to the terrorists in Fallujah when they were battling US troops. JStreet, the group of  "pro-peace" individuals who thinks Hamas is just joshing when they talk about genocide against the Jewish State. JStreet thinks that if only Israel would lighten up a little there could be peace in the Middle East. I suppose the 12,000 rockets sent into Israel from Gaza over the last 8 years is a type of valentine. Maybe it wasn’t percussive explosives that Hamas sent; perhaps it was just some fancy Belgian chocolates. I mean chocolates are so important to a person’s existence, that JStreet was up in arms about Israel not allowing chocolate into Hamas held Gaza.

Until this conference there had not been one word about anti-Semitism and the growing virulent hatred spiraling out of control all over the world from Ms. Rosenthal. Inparticularly the growing virulent anti-semitism in those favorite State Department get-a-ways:  the Moslem countries, is completely ignored.  In fact the only time you heard the President even mention anything having to do with Judaism in his recent tour of eastern Asia was when, in his childhood home nation of Indonesia, a nation basically judenrein (there are all of 20 Jews who live there) without diplomatic relations with Israel, Obama castigated the Jewish State for building homes for Jews in its capital, Jerusalem. Not one word about the daily anti-Semitism found in Indonesia, the attacks against Christians and the massacres in Christian East Timor. Nope nada. The President lauded the Indonesians as a nation of compassion and understanding and a model of harmony. I guess it’s easy to be harmonious when you are basically a homogeneous society. In fact, the only country to come under attack was you guessed it Israel. In India he even refused to acknowledge that Islamic jihadists had caused the massacre in Mumbai.

So it came as quite a surprise when Ms. Rosenthal gave her speech in Toronto. Truthfully it was a surprise that she was even present at the conference. After all people gathered to try to combat Jew hatred not make apologies for Islamic terrorism. But interestingly enough she actually gave a speech detailing the delegitimization of the State of Israel as the greatest anti-Semitic occurrence of our times. She even employed Natan Sharansky’s 3-D test: double standard, delegitimization, and demonization. She pointed out that the difference between constructive criticism of Israel, which is to make Israel a better place, much like we even criticize our own country the US, and the desire to destroy Israel. This she stated is the dividing line for anti-Semitism. Without a doubt the speech was highly touted and highly discussed. There was an amazing amount of relief it seems from the Jewish community. Israel wasn’t being targeted they thought. Those at State really do get it and understand what is happening in the world. Orwell has just been shunted to the back of the bus.

Sorry but that really didn’t last long. Well lo and behold, there was an ulterior motive for that speech in Toronto. The US State Department just came out with a report castigating Israel as a nation that lacks religious freedom. In fact, Saudi Arabia, the gender apartheid, honor killings, female genital mutilating and caning of rape victims state is considered more tolerant than Israel by the US State Department. I suppose that is why the US did not object when the Saudis won their seat on the UN’s women’s rights council.

So lets review a little about intolerant Israel. No matter what religion you practice you are allowed to practice it freely and without obstruction. The Christian holy places are controlled by Christians, and even the Temple Mount, or as Moslems call it the Haram-el-Sharif, is controlled by the Waq(Moslem authorities)  because there is the Al-Aqsa mosque situated there. No one forces anyone to convert to another religion. There are no prohibitions against building churches, like in Saudi Arabia, and no one is blowing up churches like in Iraq or setting Christians on fire like in Egypt. You can bring any Bible that you like into Israel, unlike in Saudi Arabia where Bibles are prohibited. There is no death penalty for converting out of your religion like in Moslem countries. No one is barred from Israel because of religion, like they are barred in Moslem countries, notably Jews barred from entering or owning land, which is punishable by death. There is no prohibition on free speech and if you challenge religion of any kind there is no problem, unlike in the Palestinian territories where a young blogger is being held on pain of death for deriding Islam.

Now just what did those dastardly Jews do that so irritated the Anglo-Saxon powers that be at the State Department. Well didn’t you know, those dastardly Jews in Israel, have decided to define who they are themselves. Of course, the State Department has decided who the Jewish people are and what constitutes the Jewish religion, how kind of them to postulate such a theory for us. I mean the fact that the Jewish people have had this on going discussion about who is or is not a Jew for almost 3500 years, seems foolish now, that the descendants of the pilgrims have figured it out for us. I wonder should we send them some Hannukah gelt as a gift. I know that Antiochus Epiphanies tried to define us too some 2100 hundred years ago and that went so well for the Assyrian-Greeks. Perhaps we should send a nice little Maccabee dreidel for the Secretary of State. Now that her daughter is married to a Jew it might come in handy this time of year, when she has a half-Jewish grandchild. At least it will teach that child that he has the human right to define him or herself, that he/she really doesn’t have to ask grandma.

But of course, it also gets better. The US State Department had objected to Israel, putting some religious Jewish holy places on their list of historical sites. Israel put such places on the list as the Cave of the Machpelah in Hebron. The un-Jewish place where the first Jew, Abraham is buried.  The fact that there is both a mosque and a synagogue inside the cave doesn’t seem to matter much to anyone. I suppose that is because Israel is a religiously  intolerant nation according to the US State Department. Interestingly when the Moslems controlled the Cave, Jews could not pray inside, they were only allowed to pray on the stairs. That was until 1929, when the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin el-Husseini and his henchmen slaughtered the Jews of Hebron in a pogrom and forced the remaining Jews to flee for their lives.

Those terrible Jews also had the nerve to put the Tomb of Rachel on their list. I suppose you remember Rachel, one of the matriarchs of the Jewish religion. Rachel, daughter of Laban, sister of Leah, and one of the wives of Jacob. Jacob who was the son of Isaac. Isaac who was the son of Abraham. Jacob who worked 7 years to be able to marry Rachel, was tricked into marrying Leah instead, but then was allowed to marry Rachel as well for another seven years of indentured servitude. Rachel, the mother of Joseph, who became a great leader in Egypt, and Benjamin, the father of one of the 12 tribes of Israel.  The tomb has been a pilgrimage site for Jewish women for thousands of years. You went to Rachel’s Tomb to pray if you were having trouble conceiving. You asked Rachel for help, as she understood what it was to have these sorrows.

Well needless to say the US State Department chastised Israel for having the nerve to say these were sites important to the Jewish people. It seems that it unnerved UNESCO too, since they just declared the Cave of the Machpelah and Rachel’s Tomb mosques. Ironic since Rachel’s Tomb was desecrated by Moslem rioters when the Palestinian Authority took over that part of the West Bank where her tomb is located for the simple reason that she was a Jewish matriarch. I guess its just fine that Moslems define who they are themselves, too bad the Jews don’t seem to have the same privilege. Unfortunately the reality is even more insidious. It is the attempt by world organizations to eradicate Jewish history. By eradicating Jewish history you eradicate the Jewish people’s historical claim to their land and even
eradicate the right of the Jewish people to exist.

This is when Sharansky’s 3-Ds become very important. When Sharansky talks about delegitimization, it is not only about the right of the State to exist, but he also means to deprive a people of their history. What makes a people is not just a shared language, or religion but a shared history. Camaraderie is built on shared knowledge of happenings. It is why the Jewish people are exhorted to remember on Passover that the Lord God of Israel, brought YOU forth from slavery in Egypt. Not that God brought forth some other guy who also happened to be a Jew.

The truth is that the US State Department by having Ms. Rosenthal give her speech in Toronto thinks that it has inculcated itself against charges of anti-Semitism and delegitimization of Israel. The US President thinks he has pulled the wool over people’s eyes that he is some great compassionate and understanding individual wanting to bring everyone together to sing kumbaya. Well we the Jewish people know better. Even though it doesn’t seem so, we the Jewish people really are not that stupid (naive at times but not totally stupid). We know these anti-Semitic actions come from the top, the Oval Office.   (here, here, here)

It is truly ironic that these events happened at this time of year. That Maccabbee dreidel (hebrew spinning top)bespeaks of a time when other rulers tried to define who the Jewish people were and what they should be. They tried to define what language the Jews should speak and what if any religious texts they should follow. They tried to define for the Jews how they should pray and who in fact is or is not a Jew. They gave religious artifacts and places to those who wished to usurp the Jewish narrative, as the Jewish people’s enemies today wish to do. A word to the US State Department, Ms. Clinton and Mr. Obama, it didn’t end well for the Assyrian-Greeks. They were supplanted by other powers that be. But ironically the Jews, those people that the Assyrians tried to fasten in the Assyrian mold, attempting to remove from the Jewish people their historical rights, well we are still here. You know what, we will out last this American Administration as well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Semper Fi- It is a Hell of a Job

I know I am late celebrating the Marine Corp birthday. But hats off to those brave young people that willingly have our backs everyday.

I found this video on a terrific blog called A Little Pink in a World of Camo. The writer is a Marine-corp widow who lost her young husband while still pregnant with their first child. He died fighting in Marjah, Afghanistan. Her posts give you a look into the world of the lives of service-persons families. Some of her posts are fun and uplifting, but be forewarned, so many of her posts will wrench your heart.

This video is of a gunny in her late husbands battalion talking to his men before he sends them into harms way. (For those who have delicate ears, don't listen)


The sad thing about this video is that in today's world, the same questions are asked of our veteran's. "How can I hire you when you never had a real job." In a ridiculous case of irony the book Start Up Nation, written by Dan Senor,  outlines how Israelis have used their military experiences to create one of the most robust economies in the world. He then goes on to discuss how the USA has failed itself as well as its veterans by not doing the same.

Just some food for thought, about the past, the present and the future of this great nation. Now another question: what really is wrong with the USA that so many disrespect the service of our fine young men and women.

But for those in the Marine Corp- Semper Fi from a grateful and proud patriot.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Nakba of Jews from Arab Lands

So it seems that Hitler actually did get his dream of a judenrein land,  just not where he thought it would be.

h/t Point of no Return

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day-Thank You to Those That Served

Freedom is not free and on this day we remember those that stood to be counted when their nation asked them to, including my father who served in the Navy during the Korean War.


While Veteran's Day is not about those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, that is Memorial Day, it is never far from your mind when you think of those brave young people that have our backs worldwide. Remember that we sleep free at night because rough men (and women) are ready to do battle on our behalf-Orwell.

cross-posted at Raising Asperger's Kids

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rethinking Reality

Concluded that Liberty's Spirit will be on a bit of a hiatus. The posts will be few and far between. (Just thought I would spell it out if you had not noticed they were going that way anyway) Decided that in the world of international and domestic politics its all the same crap everyday. After awhile I get tired of repeating myself, just like I do when I talk to my teenagers.  So barring a fire fight in the Indian Ocean between the US and China during Obama's visit to India (read my post here) or an interesting thought on law and the US Constitution...Liberty's Spirit will be quiet for awhile.
In the meantime you can catch me blogging about issues that effect the special needs community, particularly issues concerning the education, acceptance, supports needed and civil rights of those on the autism spectrum, at Raising Asperger's Kids.  See you there.