Syria — where are the Americans?

January 26, 2011 was the first day of the Syrian uprising. The protests started as a continuation of what became known as the Arab Spring. During the Arab Spring, we saw violent and drastic changes in the Arab world, in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and finally Syria.

The Syrian uprising is the longest and so far the bloodiest. All Syrians who are participating in the protests against Bashar Assad asked the question of where are the Americans and their mighty war machine? What makes Libya different from Syria?

The Syrians' question is countered by an American question. Why are the Syrians asking for the American intervention in the first place? Hasn't Syria been anti-America for many decades, and America is the mother of Imperialism? Wasn't it the Syrians who said, it is America, who is the enemy of all Arab people. And wasn't it the Syrians who wanted the people of the Gulf states to boycott America and American goods? However, the question still remains, why America didn't interfere in Syria, as it did in Libya?

Syria is different from Libya. When the Libyan uprising began, the line in the Libyan sands was clear. It was east Libya against west Libya. It was a war between Benghazi and Tripoli. Yes, they were both parts of Libya, but they were more than 1,200 kilometers apart. They were different and Muammar Qaddafi didn't treat them equally. Things in Libya are far away from over. The 40 years of Qaddafi's rule and the non-homogenized Libyans make it impossible for Libya to get back on course. America had an easy set up scenario for Libya regardless of the outcome. Libya and the America had historical relations only 40 years ago. It was the American oil companies that managed the Libyan oil industry till the 1970s. Libya is a major oil producer and active member of OPEC and OAPEC. While Syria never had any relations with America and Syria had been a Soviet and later on a Russian ally. Syria also is an ally to countries which are known to be anti-America, such as Iran and North Korea. So, there are no interests (oil) for America in Syria, except for its proximity to occupied Palestine (Israel).

America, the longer they wait to intervene, the more Syrian blood will be spilled. However, The US is waiting for the right moment for various reasons. One of them is the Syrian opposition. The opposition parties are not united and there is no known and trusted figure which America can trust and be capable to rule a very complicated country such as Syria. Syria has been a police state for a long time and it will take a very long time for the Syrians to adopt new form of political and social life. The second reason why America is not intervening at this time is, because there is an election coming soon. And President Barack Obama is very careful with what his administration is doing before an election. Also, we shouldn't forget that the Syrian president is more popular among his people than Muammar Qaddafi. But in my humble opinion, I think the US will interfere eventually. The Syrian government is betting on Russian and Chinese support, but the American influence is far greater than that of the Russian and Chinese. We saw pro-Syrian government demonstrations a short time ago and these demonstrations were a thank you note for the Russians stand beside the Syrian government, but we know that Russia only knows how to talk and when it is time to be on a collusion course with the Americans, the Russians would back down. It happened in Kosovo when the closest Russian ally (the Serbs), were attacked by American planes. The Russian ships didn't even have enough fuel to cruise at high speed, let alone fire a missile at a Ticonderoga class US Navy ship. We saw the Russians (Soviets at the time) watch Syrian planes being shot down by the Israelis during the Bekaa Valley conflict in the early 1980s and saw no helping hand from Moscow, but many words for the Syrians. Talk is cheap.

The most difficult question facing politicians and analysts is what would happen next in Syria after the fall of Bashar Assad? The country could sink into a civil war. Syria is a very complicated mixture of different ethnic backgrounds. There are Sunni Muslims, Alawites, Shiites and Kurds, and there are Christians and Azoreans. The Syrian situation is a bloody lesson to human kind. It shows the ugly side of dictatorship. And at the end, it will be the US who is blamed if things in Syria turn for the worst. The Syrians would say, it is the Americans who came in late. But, I am sure if the Americans came in early to aid the Syrians, the Americans would be accused of being trigger happy, and would have been accused of the intention to destroy an Arab country, so that it can't attack Israel. Well, I think America will always be damned if they do and damned if they don't. And to this day, there are many people in the Arab world who still think it is an American conspiracy that aims to topple Arab governments, but perhaps forgetting the real culprits: poverty, prejudice, injustice and corruption.




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Military spending in KSA is the 7th largest in the world, and the highest relative to GDP. Military spending in the UAE is also the highest per capita in the world, and KSA, Kuwait spend more per capita than almost every other country.

Why wait for the USA to save Syria, when there is enough firepower in Arab hands to stop the massacre of innocents?


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After all choice adjectives bestowed on Americans by Muslims in general and Arabs in particular; like Shaitan, hungry for oil, colonialist, you think any sensible nation will take any kind of serious action in an Arab country?

Stop being crybabies and clean up your mess yourselves. Can't people with great heritage and great capabilities and great wealth do at least this much for sake of future of their land ?


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Dear Mr. Al-Mulhim,
It's a very well written article and you've clearly shown the dilemma of being America. By the way, instead of asking 'Where are the Americans?', it's time to ask 'Where are the Arabs?'. Can't Arab states help the Syrian in the time of distress, can't they start a peace talk with President Assad? It's so heart- breaking to see fellow humans being slaughtered systematically everyday by a regime. I wish the bloodshed to stop soon. May God save Syrians!


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This analysis is right on target.


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and..Where are the Saudis? the emiraties? the Egyptians?. They also have powerful air forces to crush Assad's tanks. It's about time to let USA aside in these regional affairs. Let the Arabs deal with this
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