With a Creative Commons license, you keep your copyright but allow people to copy and distribute your work provided they give you credit — and only on the conditions you specify here. For those new to Creative Commons licensing, we've prepared a list of things to think about. If you want to offer your work with no conditions attached, or you want to mark a work that is already free of known copyright restrictions and in the public domain, choose one of our public domain tools.

When you choose a license, we provide you with HTML you can use to add the license information to your site and information on how to select a license on one of several free hosting services that have incorporated Creative Commons. This is not a registration and we do not retain a record of your selection.

You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor.

Allow commercial uses of your work?

  • Information

    Commercial Use


    The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, including for commercial purposes.

  • Information



    The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only.

Allow modifications of your work?

  • Information

    Allow Derivative Works


    The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display and perform the work, as well as make derivative works based on it.

  • Information

    No Derivative Works


    The licensor permits others to copy, distribute and transmit only unaltered copies of the work — not derivative works based on it.

Jurisdiction of your license Information



Use the option "International" if you desire a license using language and terminology from international treaties. If the licenses have been ported to your jurisdiction and you feel that your jurisdiction's ported licenses account for some aspect of local legislation that the international licenses do not, then you may want to consider which license is better suited for your needs.