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Monday, January 28, 2008 6:13 PM EST

Cheshire Academy students get a bite of Apple

Cheshire Academy senior Jesse Youngblood demonstrates how tooble works at the MacWorld 2008 Conference and Expo in San Francisco last week. Fellow student and partner, Sen "Forest" Fang is behind him. (Courtesy photo.)
CHESHIRE — One Cheshire Academy student's independent study assignment has led to a suddenly popular new software program that allows YouTube users to download videos on to their iPods, iPhones or Apple TVs.

That software is called "tooble," with a lower case t. Three academy students, their computer science teacher, one 2006 alumnus and a software developer debuted their product at the MacWorld 2008 Conference and Expo in San Francisco earlier this month.

In just two weeks, the site,, has had 350,000 hits and 25,000 downloads. The software is free to download, but is currently only available to Apple computer users. The Windows version is expected to be available by this summer.

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