Photo courtesy of SashaW on Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons.
"There’s something inherently delicious about grieving."


Photo by jordanfischer on Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons
Finding It
Writers share stories of travels near and far.
Once upon a time there lived a strange creaturewith patches of tawny fur intermixed with bare skin and crooked teeth.
Photo by Daniel Schuleman / North by Northwestern
A poem for the vast wasteland.
Photo by ChodHound on Flickr. Licensed under the Creative Commons.
It's Electrifying
"I sat down in the seat next to yours, on the small bus headed home."
Pints of ice cream
Writers share their stories of love lost, hearts broken and perspective gained.
Pints of ice cream
Writers share their stories of love lost, hearts broken and perspective gained.
Photo by Muffet on Flickr. Licensed under Creative Commons.
Aesop 2.0
A modern retelling of the classic fable.
"I had waited 18 years for this brief glimpse into the reality of a relationship only to come out feeling like I had been cast in a B-rated romantic comedy."
"You can't call it heartbreak if you can't laugh at it" and other aphorisms.
Photo courtesy of Nevit Dilmen on Wikimedia Commons, licensed under Creative Commons.
How do you get over a kindergarten crush? It just takes time.
Heartbreak in the form of a debate team.
Heartbreak at the hands of 25 men wearing red pinstriped uniforms.
What does love at first sight look like at Northwestern?
Photo courtesy of gingerpig2000. Licensed under Creative Commons.
Mommy Dearest
Sometimes you need a wake-up call to remember what's really important.
Photo by Jeremie63 on Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under the Creative Commons.
The Nose Knows
The bewildering struggles of anosmia: the inability to smell.

On The Blogs

Cover to Cover
"This was one of our fears,” says Tony, “that Life wouldn’t turn out to be like Literature. Look at our parents—were they the stuff of Literature?"
Cover to Cover
Christian Holub reviews Morrison's 600 pages about the history of superheroes. Oh, but it's so much more than that.
Cover to Cover
Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia Inc., recounts his unlikely foray into the business world.
Cover to Cover
George Friedman predicts the future in an outlandish, but sadly lacking fashion.
Cover to Cover
Hunter S. Thompson provokes laughter and thought in this rambling, but captivating tale about the fictional life of a nomadic journalist.
Cover to Cover
Even if your Spanish is less than perfect, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao is worth a read.
Cover to Cover
The book's fantasy settings takes a circus theme and makes it into something new and fascinating.
Cover to Cover
"Apart from being a generally good book, Gladwell's theories are vital to an understanding of success and reality in our times."