On GALEO’s Jerry Gonzalez, “hate”, parasitic, smearing hucksters and the Southern Poverty Law Center
by DA_King
 Blogging While DA King
March 13, 2012 02:55 PM | 879 views | 6 6 comments | 3 3 recommendations | email to a friend | print | permalink

First, my apologies for the repetition in the headline.

It is quite difficult to type while holding my aching sides and trying to focus through the tears of laughter. But well worth the effort.

While I will make it an often visited topic and expand (a lot) soon, it is my great pleasure to write about recent news concerning Gerado E. (Jerry) Gonzalez from the hard-left, wanna-be bullies at the largely discredited Southern Poverty Law Center and their latest release of their annual fund-raising “hate map” (I am not making this up, they really publish a national map of what they say are “groups” that “hate” – they even have them divided up into categories).  Not many rational people pay much attention this nonsense.

But for the illegal alien lobby, it is a large part of their tool box. “Ties to hate groups” is the constant, baseless and shrill howl made in endless hope that pro-enforcement Americans’ message of compliance with immigration and employment laws is overcome.

So let me finally type it: According to the SPLC, Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of the anti-enforcement Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials and well-known, far- left smear artist has ties to a designated hate group.

Even in the twisted world of separatist, ethnic hustling, this is not going to help his ability to keep State Farm, Georgia Power, Coca Cola and UGA’s Fanning Institute - and at least one Atlanta area judge (to name only a few) - on as donors, supporters and board members.

It likely won’t stop the support of Jane Fonda.

In a nutshell: Last Thursday evening, Gonzalez sat on yet another panel discussing, among other things, lamenting the fact that Cobb County government is unfriendly to illegal aliens. On that same panel, organized I am told by local accidental-entertainer Rich Pellegrino, sat a character named Charles Muhammad who is a Marietta Nation of Islam “minister.”

The MDJ covered the event HERE and I blogged it HERE yesterday.

But that was before the SPLC slime-news came out.

The SPLC has officially labeled the Marietta branch of the Nation of Islam as a …”hate group.” See the Spring 2012 “hate map” HERE (go to Georgia) . If you have only seen the usual media cover-up reporting on the SPLC, please see HERE.

New handle for Jerry? Angry Jerry-with-ties-to- a- hate- group Gonzalez. See what I mean about holding my sides?

This is not Angry Jerry-with-ties-to- a- hate- group Gonzalez’s first rodeo with hate group minister Mohammad. They both participated in a similar 2010 shindig at which they attacked Cobb Sheriff Neal Warren and Gwinnett Sheriff Butch Conway, immigration enforcement in general and the wildly successful 287 g program in particular.

Jerry in 2010: "287(g) is unreformable. 278(g) has been co-opted and abused by Cobb County Sheriff Neil Warren, Wild West Warren, which I say with disdain, not as a compliment. As well as Butch Conway in Gwinnett County," said Jerry Gonzalez, executive director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials. "We're talking about what could potentially happen in Arizona and we're worried and we're upset and we're angry about it. You can catch up on the entire MDJ story HERE.

The SPLC  may be the most comical example and illustration of the filth that is the illegal alien lobby, irony and the effects of the un-American, huckster left smearing their own I have seen. Yet.

As I promised, we will get back to it later and often - and it will be yet another addition to the ‘Jerry Gonzalez’ chapter in my under-construction book.

A chapter that just got as new title: “The Angry Jerry-with-ties-to- a- hate- group Gonzalez” chapter.

Oh, my sides.

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Danny Portee
March 16, 2012
Sammy 57 - King writes that the SPLC has connected Gonzalez to what they call a hate group and you have this charming silly response? I have been reading King and about King for ten years. He is an expert because actually knows what he is talking about.

The press won't tell the truth about Gonzalez, so I am happy to see it from DA. Most of us are.

Kinda makes you jealous doesn't it? King is a bonafide American hero.
March 15, 2012
Says the expert with no education or experience except as an insurance agent, who politicans deem a "policy expert". Give me a break Donald. He must be doing something right if he has this much attention from you. Praying for you though.
Doris Howard
March 14, 2012
Tis is cracking me up. This race-baiter Gonzalez has been on my nerves for years and now he gets what he deserves for what he has done. I have no doubt that Mr. King will be th eonly one to mention it, as the news only attacks advocates for enforcement like King.

Thank you DA! hahahahahaahahaha
George L
March 13, 2012

you is the man. Please keep up your goood work. You r doing a great job.

March 13, 2012
Thanks D A! Always working for Americans. It is appreciated.
Robert Browning
March 13, 2012
This is hilarious. Love the new name for this nutball scammer. Good work DA!
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