Bridgewater Brighton Learning Federation

Bridgewater and Southern Midlands Learning Federation


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What's happening in education in the Bridgewater and Southern Midlands region?Children

Following the fire at Bridgewater High School in 2007 a taskforce recommended changes to the way education and training is provided for everyone in the area, no matter what their age.

A key recommendation was to set up a learning federation in the area.

The Federation aims to provide a good start for every child, quality education from Kinder to Grade 12 and learning opportunities for adults.

What is the Bridgewater and Southern Midlands Learning Federation?


Our Federation has begun as a partnership between Gagebrook, Herdsmans Cove and East Derwent Primary and Bridgewater High Schools. Further down the track it will grow to include partnerships with other organisations that work in the area to help support learners, families and children.

We want to increase the range and quality of the education and training opportunities for everyone in our community from birth to Grade 12 and on to adult and senior years.

We would like to see more of our community members taking up more education and training courses, and go on to further study or get a job.

Facilities will include:

  • Three kindergarten to grade 4 primary schools at the existing primary school sites (renovations due to begin in July 2009)
  • Better facilities and more emphasis on birth to age four for children and their families at those school sites.
  • A redeveloped Grades 5 to 8 site at the current Bridgewater High site (building work due to begin in January 2010)
  • A new science centre
  • A new facility for Grades 9 to 12 and adult learning at the original Bridgewater High School site (building work due to begin in late 2009)
  • A Trade Training Centre on the original Bridgewater High School site (building work due to begin in September 2009)
  • A Children and Family Centre (building work due to begin in late 2009 once site is determined)
  • The possibility of other community-based adult learning facilities

What happens next?

Community consultation including parents, students, staff and the broader community will continue to achieve:
  • a plan to combine education, health and social services
  • a plan for the education and training programs to be run

These plans will be used to design the new and renovated buildings in the Federation. You will have the chance to have a say before the plans and designs are finalised.

Community Advisory Group:

A Community Advisory Group has been set up to give advice on how the Federation will work. The group is very important and will help us plan our broader community consultation.

Have your say:

Adults at computersWe want you to let us know what you think. You can:
  • Go to the feedback section and submit your comments.
  • Talk to your local school principal.
  • Contact Andy Bennett on 6262 5500, or by mail to Bridgewater High School, PO Box 37, Bridgewater 7030.
  • Email:
  • Watch the Brighton Community News, school newsletters and the Federation website for opportunities to participate.

*The Australian Government has provided funding for some projects within the Bridgewater and Southern Midlands Learning Federation.


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