INTERREG IVC - CIVPRO Nature ever will hide, Heraclitus

Cyprus Civil Defence (CY)

RELEVANCE: Cyprus is affected in summertime by wood fires and sometimes extreme weather conditions like heavy storms. Cyprus wants to invest in the development of a Disaster Prevention Strategy and this is the responsibility of Cyprus Civil Defense.

The Civil Defence is a department of the Ministry of Interior and beside of the headquarters it has district offices in all five country districts. It is operating a command centre on a 24hour basis that is connected to the Monitoring and Information Centre of the European Union and for the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

COMPETENCES: the Cyprus Civil Defense  is the only competent body in Cyprus for policy development and concrete implementation linked to the full disaster management cycle (prevention-preparedness-response-recovery). It carries out its tasks in close cooperation with local/regional  authorities. 

CAPACITIES to influence: as being said the Cyprus Civil Defense is the decisive body for all policies linked to Civil Protection. It coordinates, stimulates and provides frameworks and instruments for implementation to be used at regional/local level.

HOW TO CONTRIBUTE: monitoring is one of the best developed fields of expertise. Monitoring, being part of the Regional Disaster Prevention Strategy to be developed in CivPro, is of great importance for all other partners.

HOW TO BENEFIT: the most beneficial part of CivPro for Cyprus is the Prevention Policy Plan. This plan will give a serious boost to the development and inclusion of prevention measures in Cyprus. Also the transfer of know-how phase of the project linked to capacity-building and local staff training modules is of great interest for Cyprus!   

Cyprus Civil Defence has built up experiences with interregional cooperation linked to the EMSA and the EU Monitoring and Information Centre.

