About this website and the poor sap who created it:

Good day to you all. Welcome to the new BTTFParts.com!!

My name is Gary Weaver II. I built my first Delorean Time Machine Conversion in 2003 and started on a second, more accurate one in early 2006...

And I'm STILL working on it.

BTTFParts.com is the ORIGINAL online source for anything and everything related to the Delorean Time Machine.

It is my sincere hope that BTTFParts.com will change the way you look at the Delorean Time Machine, and I also hope show you that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

Gary Weaver II - Jan. 2010

It's 2010 and we're "BACK" online!!!

It's BTTF's 25th Anniversary and the website is back online.

I originally planned to upload a completely new and reworked website in time for this year's events. However, real life found a way to keep me from doing what I needed to do. So, we're back up with the "old" site.

More importantly, the BTTFParts.com message and tutorial boards are back online here


I've tweaked the sections a bit to emphasize the new direction I want to take the site. I've done away with the old "stuff for sale" sections - they really weren't serving much of a purpose anyway. In the coming weeks I'll be posting some really nice new info. However, I won't be the only one posting up stuff. I have a few friends which have been wanting to showcase their efforts/collections and they will be posting as well.

As always, there one rule with the message boards - behave like an adult. The last year has really opened my eyes as to just how immature some people in this hobby can be. Instead, I'm going to do my best to put my knowledge and efforts out there for everyone's benefit. Not just those who meet some magical requirement to "move up" a notch. I've been sharing info and tips with others in this hobby for nearly 7 years now - I see no reason why I should stop due to a minority of troublemakers.

Anyway - Keep an eye out. There is much more to come and I promise some new Youtube Videos shortly. Mother nature has decided to dump another round of ice and snow on us here in good old Oklahoma. So my outside time to shoot video has been somewhat limited lately, but don't worry...

I've got some really neat stuff to show you all shortly.


Want to see how I got started in this crazy hobby. You can see the most current videos at my YouTube channel here. >>>>

I promise I will be updating soon. The last year has been just a bit crazy



Sadly, BTTFParts.com is not a commercial based site. I don't have any sort of a webstore where you can buy from some heavily stocked wharehouse.

However, I do from time to time have extra parts and pieces from my conversion which I will offer up on ebay. Just check on ebay for items for sale under my user ID.


arrow 01-29-10 We're back online
The boards and website are FINALLY back up and open to all!!! Come by, sign up, and say hello.

arrow 03-26-09 Hollywood Show Announcement
Pack your bags and plan to be in Burbank, CA. the 25th and 26th of April. I know I'll be there.

arrow 03-30-08 New Youtube Video up
Go for a ride in my current time machine conversion.

arrow 10-4-07 New Youtube Video up
Just uploaded a new video for the rear nuclear reactor venting system.


Copyright Gary Weaver II - BTTFParts.com - 2010