Scott Base staff give 'Norwegian viking' the cold shoulder

Published: 6:54PM Thursday February 23, 2012 Source: ONE News

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Scott Base staff are under orders not to house the controversial Norwegian explorer on an unauthorised trip to Antarctica.

Jarle Andhoy's yacht has been spotted within 10 kilometres of the base on Ross Island.

A self-proclaimed Norwegian viking, Andhoy is considering heading to Scott Base, a refuge in the harsh cold of Antarctica.

But he is not welcome and Scott Base staff told ONE News they are under orders not to provide him with a bed.

"For somebody who's so blatantly ignoring New Zealand legislation, Norwegian Antarctic legislation, why would we?" said Lou Sanson of Antarctica New Zealand.

The explorer has been warned he does not have permission to be on the ice but he says he is trying to retrieve cargo from a vessel he lost a year ago during a storm.

Some of that cargo is still at Scott Base, where he stayed for two nights.

Staff at Scott Base appeared reluctant to talk about the Norwegian sailor and when a ONE News reporter inquired, she was told that they were warned she was likely to ask questions and that they should avoid going into any detail.

But they did tell ONE News they found Andhoy arrogant and had to escort him to a flight out of Antarctica when he wanted to stay for winter.

However Andhoy denied that when ONE News spoke to him via satellite phone. He said he did not want to be interviewed for fear of worsening the stand-off.

Meanwhile a so-called Kiwi stowaway on the renegade yacht, Busby Noble, is not banned from Scott Base.

The agency that runs the base suspects he may now want to get off the yacht.

"If he's a New Zealand citizen and there are certain issues on that yacht we will help a New Zealand citizen," Sanson said.

Antarctica New Zealand says the best the Norwegian explorer can expect is help in a mayday situation.

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