Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Name: Rousseau
Region: Western Philosophers
Birth Date: 28 June 1712


Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-78) was a founder of educational and romantic thoughts. He enjoyed making himself out a sinner in his "Confessions", much like Augustine's. He was born in Geneva, and educated as an orthodox Calvanist. He was brought up by his Aunt, and left school at twelve. He converted to Catholicism at sixteen, only to return to Protestantism later in life. He became a lacky to a lady named Madame de Vercelli, from whom he stole a ribbon from when she died, blaming it on a certain maid. Numerous other tales of sin are told in his confessions, including his affair with Madame de Warrens, and another where he masqueraded as a Scotch Jacobite named Dudding.

In 1756 he took up with Therese le Vasseur, a simple lady who he lived with for the rest of his life. Literary success came with an essay on the immorality of science and the arts. He spent his later life quarelling with Voltaire, attempting to prevent Voltaire from bringing the arts to Rousseau's home city of Geneva.


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