Knock Out Rails & Rack Apps Like a Superhero.

Pow is a zero-config Rack server for Mac OS X. Have it serving your apps locally in under a minute.

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Doctor Configuration

Pow prevails over the forces of evil.

Convention trumps configuration. Don’t let tedious configuration get in the way of building great apps. With Pow, there are no preference panes to install. No Apache configuration files to update. And Pow eliminates the need to edit /etc/hosts. To get a Rack app running, just type a single command.

The Maintenance Man

No maintenance required. Pow is a clean, self-contained server that runs as your user without root privileges. There are no Apache extensions to compile, no gems to install. A single command installs and upgrades Pow automatically. And your system files are left pristine and untouched.

Ruby Hydra

Tame multiple Rubies. With full support for rvm and Bundler, Pow makes it simple to run multiple apps at once, each with its own version of Ruby and its own set of gems. Testing your apps on alternative runtimes like Rubinius has never been easier. And gem activation errors are finally a thing of the past.

Installs faster than a speeding SSD.

Current version


Released August 13, 2011

(What’s New?)

To install or upgrade Pow, open a terminal and run this command:

$ curl | sh (View Source)

To set up a Rack app, just symlink it into ~/.pow:

$ cd ~/.pow
$ ln -s /path/to/myapp

That’s it! Your app will be up and running at See the user’s manual for more information.