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The Sun, the Moon and Walmart
The Sun, the Moon and Walmart

Mexico’s greatest challenge is putting an end to long-ingrained corruption.

April 30, 2012
Finish Off Al Qaeda. Stop Trying to Fix Afghanistan.

An eight-point program to accomplish our original goal after 9/11.

April 30, 2012
The C.I.A.’s Misuse of Secrecy

To shield targeted killings and other counterterrorism programs from public scrutiny, the C.I.A. is misusing a 35-year-old judicial doctrine.

April 29, 2012
God and Man in Tennessee
God and Man in Tennessee

By politicizing our faith, lawmakers are ignoring Tennessee’s true religious roots and threatening the liberties they claim to protect.

April 27, 2012
An Incomplete Justice
An Incomplete Justice

Charles Taylor’s conviction on narrow charges of backing rebels demonstrates the severe limitations of the international justice system.

April 26, 2012
Life in China Is Stranger Than My Fiction

Bo Xilai once walked off with my Ping-Pong racket, but I would never have guessed what’s happening to him this spring.

April 26, 2012
China Slows Down, and Grows Up

China has reached a stage at which all “miracle economies” have slowed significantly, but not disastrously — and that’s good news for the United States.

April 25, 2012
Expand Minds, Not the N.Y.U. Campus
Expand Minds, Not the N.Y.U. Campus

The N.Y.U. expansion plan is a clear and present danger to the neighborhood and a grave risk to the university itself.

April 25, 2012
The Philippines, China and the U.S. Meet at Sea

In East Asia, skirmishes at sea are inevitable but are also of minor consequence — assuming they are managed shrewdly.

April 24, 2012
Peace Without Partners
Peace Without Partners

Israel should set the conditions for a territorial compromise based on the principle of two states for two peoples.

April 24, 2012
I Hunt, But I Oppose the N.R.A.
I Hunt, But I Oppose the N.R.A.

The overwhelming majority of gun owners do not belong to the National Rifle Association.

April 24, 2012
Let the Arizona Law Stand, Then Wither

Immigrant interests will be better helped if the Supreme Court upholds S.B. 1070

April 23, 2012
First the Nightmare, Then the News

In watching the Anders Breivik trial in Norway, our task is to witness it and allow the weight of reality to break through.

April 23, 2012
The Wrong Way to Stop Fake Drugs
The Wrong Way to Stop Fake Drugs

The law against ordering drugs online from other countries hurts the uninsured and the underinsured, and should be changed.

April 23, 2012
‘Taking the Waste Out of Wastewater’
‘Taking the Waste Out of Wastewater’

Drinking water reclaimed from sewage might sound disgusting, but the psychologist Paul Rozin argues that it is a necessary solution to our domestic water woes.

April 22, 2012


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The filmmaker Jeff Scher presents an abstract celebration of the New York City Marathon.

‘The Silent Majority’: Directors’ Statement

In the first video of the Op-Docs series, a film by Penny Lane and Brian L. Frye revisits Nixon’s speech from Nov. 3, 1969.


9/11: A Decade Later
9/11: A Decade Later

For the tenth anniversary of 9/11, Op-Ed contributors reflect on what they wrote after the attacks.

A Month of ...

“A Month of...” is a series about life’s minor notes and quotidian details.

The Journey to Europe
The Journey to Europe

The cartoonist Patrick Chappatte journeys to La Chebba, a Tunisian port town, where an exodus is about to start.

Op-Eds About Osama bin Laden

A sampling of Op-Eds about Osama bin Laden shows how perceptions of the man evolved as he transformed from an obscure fundamentalist to the embodiment of global terrorism and hatred for the United States.

Notable Opinion Art of 2010
Notable Opinion Art of 2010

A selection of visual highlights from the past year.

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