Why do we behave the way we do?

A Unified Theory of

Human Behavior
A theory is an attempt of explain some phenomena, for example, one of the biggest goals in physics today is to unify the strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces into one unified force, or what physicists call the "Grand Unified Theory". It has already been discovered that at high enough energies, electromagnetism and the weak force are the same force, known as the electroweak force. It is theorized that if energies are increased even further, all the known forces will boil down into the same force. If the standard model can be simplified in this way, it may lead into areas of further study in order to get a better grasp of the world around us. But, i do not know of a unified theory of human behavior having been propounded so far. What are the phenomena that such a theory would attempt to explain? We all observe various kind of human behavior, violence, corruption, exploitation, honesty etc. Etc. Why do people prefer a particular kind of human behavior at a particular moment of time? Is human behavior determined by the nature of human genome only? Why do people in a crowd behave similarly? Do all persons witnessing an event at the same moment have same feelings? Why does a person trust only a certain set of individuals? These are some of the behavioral aspects of human behavior that I am attempting to explain in the following theory: According to my theory, in its nascent stage, behavior of a person is controlled by its gut microbiome. The Human Microbiome Project has recently attracted the interest of the National Institutes Of Health, according to its website: “Within the body of a healthy adult, microbial cells are estimated to outnumber human cells by a factor of ten to one. These communities, however, remain largely unstudied, leaving almost entirely unknown their influence upon human development, physiology, immunity, and nutrition. To take advantage of recent technological advances and to develop new ones, the NIH Roadmap has initiated the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) with the mission of generating resources enabling comprehensive characterization of the human microbiota and analysis of its role in human health and disease. Traditional microbiology has focused on the study of individual species as isolated units. However many, if not most, have never been successfully isolated as viable specimens for analysis, presumably because their growth is dependant upon a specific microenvironment that has not been, or cannot be, reproduced experimentally. Among those species that have been isolated, analyses of genetic makeup, gene expression patterns, and metabolic physiologies have rarely extended to inter-species interactions or microbe-host interactions. Advances in DNA sequencing technologies have created a new field of research, called metagenomics, allowing comprehensive examination of microbial communities, even those comprised of uncultivable organisms. Instead of examining the genome of an individual bacterial strain that has been grown in a laboratory, the metagenomic approach allows analysis of genetic material derived from complete microbial communities harvested from natural environments. In the HMP, this method will complement genetic analyses of known isolated strains, providing unprecedented information about the complexity of human microbial communities. .............” However, the human behavior is believed to be controlled by the brain, but according to my theory it is controlled by the microbes residing symbiotically inside the individuals body. The constitution of the microbe community inside a body is determined by several factors which include the parents

body at the time of conception, the place and time of birth of the individual, the nature of the social community the person is brought up, the kind of food a person habitually consumes, etc. The constituents of the organisms inside a human body may be far beyond the microbes we know of today. For example, some of them may be able to communicate, with some microbes in another persons body by means not known today. Thus the behavior of a person at a particular time may be influenced by the predominant behavior of a set of people, the person may not be in physical contact with! I have hypothesized this kind of interpersonal communication in one of my earlier blogs. I can understand that my theory sounds a bit weird, but i am putting it up on the Net, in the hope that it may attract some likeminded persons to interact with me and raise questions!

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I am with you on this theory one hundred percent. I would go so far as to say that the microbiota of the human body controls all thoughts and actions. This too I've been told recently is pretty far out there. We'll see.

Thanks, ultimately i found one person who believes in my theory!!! Cheers

Another research article entitled "Mood and gut feelings" was published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Volume 24, Issue 1 . It is available on the Internet through : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?...

Another very informative and scholarly article about the Human micro-biome is located on the following link: http://diss-epsilon.slu.se/archive/00...

A very interesting article about Human Microbiome appeared in New Scientist magazine sometime ago, its link is http://www.newscientist.com/article/d...

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