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Filming of 'Avengers' in Cleveland approaches the end

Published: Sunday, August 28, 2011, 5:58 AM
avengers.JPGView full sizeThe past few weeks in downtown Cleveland have seen explosions, fires, and the streets of the city transformed into New York and Germany.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Avengers came to Cleveland, saved us from a Norse god and supervillains, and now it's time to move on.

That's what superheroes do.

Filming of "The Avengers" wraps up in the next few days. The actors and an accompanying fleet of tractor-trailers, laden with millions of dollars worth of cameras, computers, equipment, costumes and other bits of Hollywood magic, will be gone from Cleveland streets, buildings and parking lots.

When the movie is released on May 4 and Captain America battles Loki, that Norse villain, to save hundreds of people, we will know that the fight took place in Public Square on a cool summer night. Many of us will remember watching as comic books came to life.

The movie's reception in Cleveland 'made a favorable impression on the filmmakers. First there were the long lines of people who signed up to become extras in the film. Then, hundreds of people lined areas outside the sets to watch the shooting.

"It was great to see them come out every day," said Jeremy Latcham, co-producer of the movie for Marvel Studios. "They took tons of pictures and put them up on the Internet, which is just great.

"Cleveland has been amazing. We wanted a real street feeling to the scenes, and we got that," he said.

The plot of the movie, co-written and directed by Joss Whedon, remains a mystery. It involves the Marvel Comics superhero team battling Thor's half-brother, Loki, who has stolen the Cosmic Cube, which can warp reality itself. There have been rampant rumors that the Skrulls, a shape-shifting alien race, play into the story, which would mirror a recent storyline in the comic.

In many scenes, the Avengers fought people wearing devices that allow special-effects technicians to overlay a computer-generated image on their bodies -- perhaps a green, scaly alien image.

For a few weeks, East Ninth Street was turned into a war zone where Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Captain America (Christopher Evans) battled Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and other bad guys amid pickup-truck-size hunks of rubble.

The battles continued on Public Square, which was turned into a Stuttgart, Germany, beer garden and opera house. Captain America and Iron Man fought Loki in front of a large number of extras dressed in formal wear on Thursday and Friday night. The "Iron Man" in those scenes was a stunt double in full costume augmented with computer-generated software.

On Friday and Saturday night, Scarlett Johansson filmed scenes at an old warehouse on Ashland Road near Longfellow Avenue, off Cedar Road near the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks. The warehouse was the site of top secret filming and doubled as a Russian facility. Trailers for the stars and temporary food preparation and wardrobe stations were set up in a base camp there.

Other filming sites included the old DHL facility in Wilmington, Ohio, and NASA's Plum Brook facility in Sandusky, where Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) and Clark Gregg (SHIELD Agent Phil Coulson) were seen. That location, and the availability of state tax credits, were crucial factors in bringing the film to Ohio from Michigan.

Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/The Hulk) and Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) did not come to Cleveland.

The old Chevrolet plant in Parma was used to film fireball explosions that will be spliced into other scenes. The Lakeside Courthouse building will be the stage of a scene to be shot Monday night.

Latcham said some members of the cast will travel to New York for two days to wrap up the filming.

"After that Joss takes it all back to L.A. and creates the movie," he said.

Ivan Schwarz, executive director of the Greater Cleveland Film Commission, who helped persuade Marvel to bring the big-budget movie to the city, said the cast and crew loved their time here.

"I have not heard anyone say a bad word about the city," he said. "They had an amazing time and loved the restaurants, the bars, the clubs, the attractions and everything Cleveland had to offer."

He said the stars, as well as the hundreds of crew members, did not just stay downtown. They ventured into the suburbs during their spare time.

"This was the first time anyone in the world got to see the Avengers in costume," Schwarz said. "The previous filming in New Mexico was all done in a closed sound stage. Here, they were on the streets in full costume."

Dozens of stories, photos and videos about the Cleveland filming were found in newspapers and magazines, on television shows and on the Internet.

"Hats off to the residents who tolerated the inconvenience of closed streets and changed bus schedules with little complaint," Schwarz said. "We all did everything we could to encourage them and other moviemakers to come to our city."

To reach this Plain Dealer reporter: msangiacomo@plaind.com, 216-999-4890

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Read the latest about the filming of the movie here and watch videos from the set here. You can also follow Plain Dealer reporter Michael Sangiacomo on Twitter at @mikesang

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hermie13 August 29, 2011 at 11:00AM

Crazy to think what simple searches online can do for you. +1 radio.

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oldclevelandboy August 28, 2011 at 8:34AM

Proud of you Cleveland ! Bravo !!

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DazzRat August 28, 2011 at 2:57PM

rah rah rah meh

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motomomma August 28, 2011 at 9:05AM

I loved seeing the activity in the city and hope Ohio remains open and embracing!

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krazyk47 August 28, 2011 at 9:54AM

Time to see if the film commission has anything else in the works or "The Avengers" was just a happy accident.

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hermie13 August 29, 2011 at 10:45AM

Well considering tehre are 2 other movies filming now (I, Alex Cross for one)....

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hermie13 August 29, 2011 at 10:49AM

sorry, just saw that this was already talked about (hate when people don't "reply" to messages though...o well).

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mikesang August 28, 2011 at 11:17AM

mike sangiacomo here. RE:krazyk47, The film commission has brought more than a dozen films to the city, including Fun Size, I, Alex Cross, and Bootstraps just recently. Cross may still be in town filming. Clearly, Avengers was not an accident.

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krazyk47 August 28, 2011 at 1:22PM

Thanks for the update Mike; The Film Commission had a great summer, I was wondering about whats in the pipeline going forward?

Also if you could please do some investigative reporting and find out what happened to Nehst Studios and their films: Cleopatra Smiles, Strangeland Disciple, and The Kid who only Hit Homers. All three of those films were supposed to start principle photography in the first quarter of 2011 and they mysteriously dissappeared about the time we started to hear about the Avengers.

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BubbaGumps August 28, 2011 at 12:01PM

Thank God.

The last two weeks has been an absolulte hell trying to get anywhere downtown. Last week, city planners finally decided it might be good to put police out directing traffic along the E 9'th corridor. Unfortunately, it took them a week to figure this out. You knew this project was coming for six months.

Unfortunately, city hall always waits for something to happen before they react. 'City Planner' is an oxymoron. Part of the reason nobody lives in Cleveland unless they have to.

To City Hall: Next time you allow something like this in the city, plan ahead. This isn't hard to figure out. Even my 8 year old niece wondered why nobody was directing traffic.

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parmalifer August 28, 2011 at 5:57PM

To BubbaGumps and other like you, thank you for voicing this opinion. Yes, it's cool to see the filming of a movie in Cleveland and I hope the $$$ brought in from it helps the City, however, every work day for the last two weeks every street I need to use to get to work is closed, under construction or has a detour on it. My 12 mile commute took 90 minutes one sunny day last week with other commutes in the hour-long range. I've certainly enjoyed seeing all the goings on at Public Square while waiting 25 minutes to get through an intersection. Perhaps those who thinks it's a really cool thing don't actually work - or at least don't work downtown. In any case, I'll be glad when The Avengers are gone and East 9th Street and Public Square are once again returned to the rest of us who have to work in the real world to make a living.

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thebigtattler August 29, 2011 at 1:40AM

Bubba is so right... we had to wait forever to renew our section 8 vouchers.

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hermie13 August 29, 2011 at 10:48AM

Yeah, the traffic the last couple weeks was almost half what it is on a normal day in a big city.....almost being the key word.

Live and work downtown...was a huge pain getting around and was annoying trying to drive downtown, but it was livable.

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ingyandbert August 30, 2011 at 3:41PM

Are you sure you're talking about the same film as the rest of us? Filming of the Avengers took place right outside my work place and I also worked as an extra on a number of dates. The disruption to commuters and area employees was minimal given the size of the project. The set was kept immaculately clean. The crew took great pains to remind everyone to keep things clean and organized at all times. The production was well-planned, the crew was pleasant and respectful despite the extremely hard work and long hours, and they treated the extras like gold. I don't know what more you could ask. They were a class act all the way.

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riverlover68 August 28, 2011 at 1:06PM

Bubba Gramps.. You utterly amaze me! You are the epitome of the inferiority complex laden individual in Cleveland that can take a totally positive story and throw in the negative twist. Truly the act of the turd-in-the-punchbowl! People like you have mastered the negative twist on a great story like a true art form! Bravo... No wonder some people might get a negative image of the city. Thanks to you fronting the welcoming scene with open arms! I hope you find something in life to be enthusiastic about.

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