John Hawkins

John Hawkins

@johnhawkinsrwn Myrtle Beach, SC
Professional blogger at Right Wing News, Townhall columnist, Pajamas Media columnist, and Huffington Post blogger.
Text follow johnhawkinsrwn to 40404 in the United States
John Hawkins
@ Thank you for accepting
John Hawkins
You can see all the blogs that were nominated, won, or were runners up at the Red Carpter Blogger Awards here
John Hawkins
The CPAC 2012 Experience: 43 Pictures | Right Wing News
John Hawkins
If you think Sarah Palin is dumb, then why is she so much more successful than you?
John Hawkins
@ That's brilliant because it's so true...
Nikki Sixx
You know what's scummy about the music industry? Everybody all of a sudden loves you when your dead.
John Hawkins
One last teaser pic from the huge CPAC picture spread on Right Wing News tomorrow. This one may surprise you...
Maggie Downs
In honor of Chris Brown at the : If you are in an unsafe situation, call the domestic violence hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Let me reiterate, : Behave yourself. Stop raping people. And stop trying to thwart your political enemies 1st Amendment rights. @
John Hawkins
Another teaser pic from tomorrow's huge picture spread on CPAC. @ vs. the TSA
John Hawkins
MR. AMERICA!! (By Powdered Zombies): | I love this!
John Hawkins
Got a 50 picture CPAC spread coming out tomorrow. Here's a teaser pic. Cal Thomas & Herman Cain chat backstage
John Hawkins
Got a 50 picture CPAC spread coming out tomorrow. Here's a teaser pic. Cal Thomas & Herman Cain chat backstage
John Hawkins
Got a 50 picture CPAC spread coming out tomorrow. Here's a teaser pic. Cal Thomas & Herman Cain chat backstage
John Hawkins
After the smear war Mitt started with Newt, I think a similar fight with Santorum would make it impossible for him to win the general
John Hawkins
There's such a flood of content out there in every medium that being able to stand out from the noise has become the biggest challenge
John Hawkins
Japanese mythology has some awesome names for their ancient Gods. Two faves: Brave-Swift-Impetuous-Male and Wondrous-Deity-Of-Eighty-Evils
John Hawkins
I was in bed last night by 7:30. Up at 9:30 today.
John R. Eakin
.@ @ collecting people's name tags to infiltrate! Back exit near metro! @