Film of Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Doomed Golden Couple


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Uploaded by on Apr 13, 2011

Who didn't read F Scott Fitzgerald's 'A Diamond as Big as the Ritz' or 'The Great Gatsby' at uni?

Not in for any Eng Lit course but for the sheer Jazz Age excess expressed in the stories. And of course for the delicious writing - like creme brulee.

Curiously though and when I think back, I had absolutely no mental image of either the writer or his wife.

Apart from photographs, I was stunned to find so much film footage!

So, Zelda as a young woman and walking about rather saucily and hip-swinging in a garden.

A little older and playing gaily about in a street.

The couple with daughter Frances and in a garden.

On the Riviera ...

And in a cafe.

And finally, F Scott Fitzgerald working on 'The Great Gatsby'.

Happily, my visual memory bank of the gilded and alcoholic couple is now full to overflowing!

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Uploader Comments ( nickwallacesmith )

  • The depression didn't start until 1929.

  • hi schutzenhaus - yes, i know - not sure what i was thinking - a ton of people have mentioned this - if i re-upload the film with the right date, all the 35 comments will be lost. a tough one. best

  • OMG!!! to actually see Scott and Zelda in action, after all of these years Reading every book about them and by them!! To actually see Zelda sitting at the Table and slightly turning her head briefly to glance at the camera, Just like i read it has brought tears of Joy to my eyes.

  • hi RainbowBrite80 - yes, the film brings them into some greater reality for me - up close and personal! makes them human rather than just emblems of the 1920s. cheers

  • Hi Nick,

    Yes, those three words are great. I would only add compulsion neurosis to them-because unfortunately for her she did go downhill.


  • hi balletnut - i think we've now come up with the ideal five - i dare anyone to add one more! cheers

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  • So the family went to the Riviera in 1924 to avoid the Depression, huh? Pretty remarkable since the Depression didn't begin until 1929. The music might be in period but it's cheap and cliched. I remember the scurrilous words Hemingway wrote about Scott and Zelda in "A Movable Feast." Hem probably would've like this lousy video.

  • Beautiful , thank you!

  • hi balletnut - yes, i agree on both counts - what do you think of 'driven', 'hedonistic' and 'compulsive'? best, nick

  • Hi,

    'Feisty' is a polite word for this lady!! (I think 'lady' is the wrong word too!)

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