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  1. @tardismate @angegarrod *smirks*
  2. @tardismate ew!! :)
  3. Always the bridesmaid, never the guy who turns bridesmaids into irresistible cannibal chocolates.
  4. @clairabellejp pepper pig!!!
  5. @clairabellejp no way! Lol...
  6. @CynicalHaikuist aw...
  7. @AllonsyAlonso19 iTunes often gives the wrong credits...:)
  8. @allonsyarecool I like books where you have to colour in the pictures...
  9. @stukennedymusic that was funny Stuart...
  10. @WALK_ER No no. Theme to Casualty.
  11. @benfostermusic I am told you were both devastatingly handsome and also kept good time on JOOLZ...
  12. @angegarrod #FlasherBob
  13. @benfostermusic beeeeeeeEEEEEEENNNNNN foooooosteeeeeeeeEEERRRRR! #BenFoster
  14. @WillRiceMusic will I've told you about eating raw snails...
  15. @michaeljoshea they mostly live...
  16. @Reyrey1213 You're not even following me you so-and-so...
  17. @jailhouserock that's punny...
  18. @angegarrod woof...
  19. @faceofboe do you have long vision?
  20. @WillRiceMusic because I like to ding the bell on the grossometer will...