iFixit API Documentation

Our API provides programmatic access to iFixit—enabling anyone to write innovative applications and utilities on top of our rich repair database.

What can I do with the API?

The world's largest collection of free photographic repair manuals is at your fingertips. Got an idea for integrating it with your repair shop's workflow? Awesome! Want to come up with a way to make it easier for bandwidth-limited technicians in developing countries to fix things? Go right ahead.

The API provides access to our repair guides (step-by-step guides and Device namespace pages) and device "area" hierarchy. It does not (yet) provide access to our parts or Answers Q&A database.

The API responds with JSON by default, but you can also request JSONP or XML (on some endpoints).

API Endpoints

/areasGets a hierarchical list of all areas
/badgesGets a list of all badges
/badge/{id}Gets a list of all users who have earned a specific badge
/devicesGets a list of all devices
/device/{name}Gets Device detail and a list of all guides
/embedReturns an oEmbed summary providing access to our guide embed
/guidesGets a list of all guides
/guide/{guideid}Gets the entire content of a specific guide
/image/{id}Gets details (including EXIF) for an image
/teamsGets a list of all teams
/team/{id}/membersGets a list of all members of this team
/usersGets a list of all users
/user/{id}Gets detailed user information
/user/{id}/badgesGets a list of a specific user's badges
/user/{id}/guidesGets a list of guides a specific user has participated in
/user/{id}/repairsGets a list of repairs a specific user has successfully performed

Who can use the API?

Non-commercial API access is free, and commercial access is available for a fee. If you anticipate making a large, sustained number of accesses, or you're interested in using the API for commercial purposes, please contact us for an API key.

All iFixit content is freely licensed for non-commercial use under Creative Commons provided that you include a link back to us and release any modifications under the same license.

This v0.1 alpha API will be subject to some flux—although we'll try to keep it as stable as possible. Have a question or feature request for the API? Head on over to iFixit meta.