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No matter what your motivation-the opportunity to work overseas, cultural exchange in a land steeped in history and culture, researching your genealogy, or studying Italian literature or art history-you can discover new worlds when learning Italian.

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Italian Language Spotlight10

Italian Subordinating Conjunctions

Monday April 30, 2012

Italian subordinating conjunctions (congiunzioni subordinative) connect two clauses, one of which is either subordinate to the other, or dependent on the other clause or a word that's part of the same.

Italian Coordinating Conjunctions

Sunday April 29, 2012

Italian coordinating conjunctions (congiunzioni coordinative) combine two elements of the same period or two independent clauses together. Examples include: e, anche, neppure, altrimenti, tuttavia, cioč, and pertanto.

Simboli Patri Italiani

Saturday April 28, 2012

There are various diverse simboli patri italiani (national symbols of Italy) which represent the Repubblica Italiana, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Risorgimento. These symbols include the Emblema della Repubblica Italiana, Il Tricolore (the Italian national flag), the Inno di Mameli (the Italian national anthem), the stendardo presidenziale italiano (Italian presidential banner), the Festa della Repubblica Italiana, Il Vittoriano, Azzurro (Italy's national color), and Italia turrita.

Italian Conjunctions

Monday April 23, 2012

Congiunzioni italiane (Italian conjunctions) are invariable words that combine two or more words in a sentence or two or more clauses in a phrase. They can be of two types: congiunzioni coordinative (coordinating onjunctions) and congiunzioni subordinative (subordinating conjunctions).

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