Broken by design: Technorati registration form

September 27th, 2008 § § permalink

Even though Technorati is not anymore what it used to be a few years ago, today I tried to create an account for a project. Big mistake. Is the year 2008 and Technorati is doing miserable mistakes in the registration form that not even the smallest underfunded startups are not doing.


  1. They require as mandatory both last and first name? Ha? Why? How does this help the service? What problem does it solve and I can’t figure out?
  2. No real time validation. C’monnn is 2008. Through in some AJAX and validate the fields BEFORE I hit submit
  3. Step by step validation. By this I mean that when you have a form with multiple fields, after submit, you get only the error for the first field. You correct that, hit submit, you get the next error (and of course each time you to fill in the captcha and the password)
  4. Not marking the mandatory fields. Tie that to all of the above and you’ll get the image

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