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Titre du document / Document title

On the apparently striking disconnect between motivation and satisfaction in recreational fishing : the case of catch orientation of german anglers

Auteur(s) / Author(s)


Résumé / Abstract

¯In this study, three distinct segments of German anglers differing with respect to degree of catch orientation as the main fishing motive were identified in a nationwide telephone survey (N=474). Noncatch aspects of the fishing experience played a major role in the motivations of anglers: about 80% of the sample was classified as anglers with a low, or minimal, catch orientation. Angler satisfaction and its determinants were examined across degrees of catch orientation to improve understanding of the link between angler motivation and satisfaction. Highly catch-oriented anglers were significantly less satisfied with the previous angling season than were minimally catch-oriented anglers. An exclusivity of activity-specific, mainly catch-related, satisfaction components as predictors of overall angling year satisfaction was found in all angler segments, irrespective of catch orientation. Satisfaction was unrelated to actual catch or harvest rates, and no significant differences in catch and harvest were found across the three catch orientation groups. This suggested that catch expectation was the primary driver of angler satisfaction. This study revealed that there are anglers, most often the majority within the population, who can be characterized as attaching relatively little importance to catch motives but whose satisfaction is still mainly catch dependent. It is not warranted to conclude that there is a striking disconnect in this finding. The reasons for the apparently striking inconsistency between motivation and satisfaction are related to (1) the fundamental conceptual differences in meaning and definition of motivation and satisfaction and (2) the differential ease in satisfying activity-general and activity-specific aspects of the fishing experience. Care must be taken not to draw overly simplified management implications from motivational information. However, by knowing the determinants of angler satisfaction, the manager's ability to plan future management actions is improved, and satisfaction rather than motivation is the ultimate product of the fishing experience.

Revue / Journal Title

North American journal of fisheries management    ISSN  0275-5947   CODEN NAJMDP 

Source / Source

2006, vol. 26, no3, pp. 592-605 [14 page(s) (article)]

Langue / Language


Editeur / Publisher

American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, ETATS-UNIS  (1981) (Revue)

Localisation / Location

INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 9749 D, 35400015718217.0110

Nº notice refdoc (ud4) : 18131231

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