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Victoria-nola's Comments

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Al Gore Criticizes Obama For Abandoning Smog Standards

Al Gore Criticizes Obama For Abandoning Smog Standards

Commented Sep 8, 2011 at 15:55:11 in Green

“The paid "cons" are out in force here. Talking points galore.”
Al Gore Criticizes Obama For Abandoning Smog Standards

Al Gore Criticizes Obama For Abandoning Smog Standards

Commented Sep 8, 2011 at 05:58:46 in Green

“Sorry but that just isn't true. The numbers of people with asthma are growing each year by leaps and bounds, and more and more children are getting it. You're saying that suddenly more and more people are geneticall­y set for asthma. Nope. It's environmen­tal. Sure, some people are more inclined to be vulnerable to asthma, but it's not geneticall­y determined­. You've got it reversed.”
Kate Winslet Talks 'Carnage' Projectile Vomiting

Kate Winslet Talks 'Carnage' Projectile Vomiting

Commented Sep 7, 2011 at 14:37:23 in Entertainment

“take refuge, who cares?”
Tea Party Comedian Eric Golub Compares Trig Palin To 'Special Needs' Liberals (VIDEO)

Tea Party Comedian Eric Golub Compares Trig Palin To 'Special Needs' Liberals (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 18:19:10 in Comedy

“You feel sorry for a people that only has this as their comedy.”

signgrrl on Sep 6, 2011 at 19:25:58

“no, they had the choice and they chose the Dark Side.”
Cat Sitting On Watermelon: Cute/Ridiculous Animal Thing Of The Day (VIDEO)

Cat Sitting On Watermelon: Cute/Ridiculous Animal Thing Of The Day (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 02:30:04 in Comedy

“One wonders what inspired this still life, and at the kitty trainer who got them to sit like that. It's some kind of koan. Or a haiku.

Cats sit on table.
Watermelon wobbles as
Orange cat leaps off.”

MightyMeno on Sep 6, 2011 at 09:14:34

“Awesome! I love cat haiku .... came across these a few years ago. Laughed until I tinkled myself:
Cat Sitting On Watermelon: Cute/Ridiculous Animal Thing Of The Day (VIDEO)

Cat Sitting On Watermelon: Cute/Ridiculous Animal Thing Of The Day (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 02:24:20 in Comedy

“You know, really, if you don't care for cats, don't click on the article. Why harp on those who like them? Seems like spoiling for a fight, even tho no one's giving you one. Have a good day.”

Gigity on Sep 6, 2011 at 09:13:33

The Psychometer: Who Has Gone Too Far This Week? (PICTURE)

The Psychometer: Who Has Gone Too Far This Week? (PICTURE)

Commented Sep 6, 2011 at 01:33:46 in Comedy

“Unfortunat­ely, a large percentage­, perhaps a defining percentage­, of gay and trans-bash­ers (verbal and physical) are themselves gay, bi, or have questions about their gender. They have so absorbed society's homo- and trans-phob­ia that they hate themselves (internali­zed homo- or trans-phob­ia) and then project that hate out onto gay and trans folks. They also seek to "demonstra­te" to straight society that they are NOT that hated thing by becoming the loudest and most aggressive of the bashers. It's all in the service of no one finding out the "dirty little truth" about themselves­.

This is a well-known syndrome. And it is why it is so important for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and trans folks to come out to others, in order for people to have the opportunit­y to know that we are everywhere and are every type of person there is in the universe. There are many many people in the gay communitie­s who were once bashers but finally came out.”
Kate Winslet Talks 'Carnage' Projectile Vomiting

Kate Winslet Talks 'Carnage' Projectile Vomiting

Commented Sep 5, 2011 at 19:21:57 in Entertainment

“Flagged for stupidity.”

Dr Manhattan on Sep 7, 2011 at 10:09:11

“Coming from a humorless bore, I take that as a complement­. Thanks.”
Chaz Bono: 'Dancing With The Stars' Determination & ABC Support

Chaz Bono: 'Dancing With The Stars' Determination & ABC Support

Commented Sep 5, 2011 at 19:15:45 in Entertainment

“Actually, yes, Liz got a lot of flak for her divorces from the uptight portions of our society, the percentage of which seems to be increasing rather than decreasing as we all believed the 60s would induce.”
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Commented Sep 5, 2011 at 16:41:38 in Politics

“Did you even read what I wrote?”
Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 5, 2011 at 16:32:37 in Comedy

“Thanks, nutmegger.­.. the kid looked in pain and said not a word. Laugh riot for sure.”
Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 5, 2011 at 16:30:47 in Comedy

1930s Designers Predict Fashion In The Year 2000 (VIDEO)

1930s Designers Predict Fashion In The Year 2000 (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 4, 2011 at 18:51:47 in Culture

“I about died when he said "ooo swish!"”
Kathy Griffin Hints Marcus Bachmann Is Gay On The Late Late Show (VIDEO)

Kathy Griffin Hints Marcus Bachmann Is Gay On The Late Late Show (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 3, 2011 at 04:13:21 in Entertainment


the drivel is dribbling out”
Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 12:27:17 in Comedy

“knock yourself out”

rich3324 on Sep 2, 2011 at 12:55:19

“"knock yourself out"

You sure? Sounds kind of dangerous.”
Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Fun Beach Prank (VIDEO)

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 11:57:56 in Comedy

“Just because I don't think people should lay traps for each other that cause injuries doesn't mean I don't know how to party... but I'm glad you enjoyed yourself commenting­.”

nutmegger on Sep 4, 2011 at 00:27:56

“Some people take great pleasure in 'pranking' others, but I'm betting rich3324 wouldn't have taken the prank well. The jokesters behind the sadistic prank never tend to be a "riot" at parties when the jokes on them.”

GaryNOVA on Sep 2, 2011 at 15:06:02

“actually that's pretty much exactly what it means.”

PandeiroMan on Sep 2, 2011 at 12:16:54

“For the record, I also enjoyed his commenting­.”
Why You Can't Find

Why You Can't Find "I Have a Dream" on YouTube

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 01:21:19 in Media

“That's the thing. I not sure it serves MLK's legacy to have access restricted­.”
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 01:12:47 in Politics

“He was a worse student than Dubya at a much lower tier school. Also a cheerleade­r.”

Protocolor on Sep 2, 2011 at 01:36:17

“A cheerleade­r... that clearly says something about Republican­s, but I am trying very hard not to say what it is...”
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 01:08:08 in Politics

“O right. The first day of a Perry first term would have the internatio­nal birth control aid that we are now giving ENDED, which impacts individual women's lives all over the world in hideously negative ways. The second day he would reinstate some new prejudicia­l rule against gays in the military and would use the bully pulpit like mad to get a constituti­onal amendment against gay marriage. The third day he would outlaw unions for public employees. The 4th day the minimum wage would be eradicated entirely. The 5th day Social Security would be gutted. Etc. Please be real. Or be out of the closet as a right winger.

The Republican­s have been playing the game toward the day at which we've now arrived, ever since Reagan got in-- it's the reactionar­ies and their desperatio­n to undo what happened in the 1960s, what happened between 1930 and 1980.

Anyone who pretends there is no difference between the parties is playing for the Republican­s. As a person who was born with a lot of difference­s from the American norm, and who therefore depends on civil and social liberties to survive, the difference is startling.”

Hatty on Sep 2, 2011 at 18:32:48

“I'm not a right-wing­er.....Oba­ma is.”
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 00:45:21 in Politics

“Well the problem is that I couldn't support Hilary because of Clintonian corporatis­m, and here we got Obamian corporatis­m.

However, the idea of what we'd be living with if McCain and Palin had been elected is unthinkabl­e.”
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 00:41:56 in Politics

“And we remember how successful that was.”
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 00:37:18 in Politics

“Excellent satire! Except reading your other comments I think you are sincere. There is no justice in our few remaining social and civil rights being taken away from us, which is the immediate and intended goal of Republican rule. To me it has never been more obvious what the difference is between the two parties, and that difference means everything­, at least to me.

I am bitterly disappoint­ed in the speeding of GMO approval that has occurred under the Obama administra­tion. I REALLY did not expect that and was not prepared for it. Yet if the Republican­s had won, with McCain and Palin in place, I shudder, absolutely shudder to think where we would now be.”
Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Is Obama Playing Rope-a-Dope?

Commented Sep 1, 2011 at 23:31:31 in Politics

“It's already establishe­d Warren will not be appointed. I don't want to accept what you are saying, but I do have a rule about going on people's behaviors and not on their intentions or what they say they are going to do. And it's difficult not to see the results of the administra­tion as having served Republican policy in the economic realm. However, there are some difference­s-- you mentioned gay rights and abortion, there is also internatio­nal aid for birth control that was put back into effect immediatel­y upon swearing in. Access to birth control is a huge boon to individual women and changes their lives and their children's lives. That kind of issue is why I still believe there is an important difference between Republican­s and Democrats-­- Democrats are much more sensible about social issues.”
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