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Pakistan’s Israel dilemma – Pakistan watching India-Israel relations and just does not know what to do
Sudhir Chadda
Sep. 16, 2005

Pakistan is in a deep dilemma – perhaps for the first time in the last fifty years. Of course it involves India. Pakistan is wary of US withdrawal in the next ten years from the Afghanistan region. At that time it will face India again as the major geopolitical contender. But India-Israel relation especially in defense makes Pakistan real nervous.

Israel and India plan to jointly develop defense infrastructure. Once America is not in the region, it will tip the balance of strategic power to the India-Israel side given the fact China and Russia are also eager to have a great relationship with India and Israel.

Pakistan’s only alternative is to negotiate a shrewd favorable geopolitical alliance with Israel. Israel and Pakistan are meeting secretly for a long time. Israel is eager to keep the Pakistani nukes in check. Israel knows very well those Pakistani nukes can any time become Islamic nukes and come to haunt Israel. India sees no issue in Pakistan having a good relationship with Israel.

Pakistan’s biggest problem is its public perception management in dealing favorably with Pakistan. Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz issued a statement Sept. 16 denying the possibility of trade ties with Israel before the resolution and formation of a Palestinian state. Aziz said only after the creation of a Palestinian stated with al-Quds (Jerusalem) as a capital city would Pakistan recognize Israel. Pakistan's position on Israel is in agreement with the 57-member Organization of Islamic Conference.


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