B A S A R A B I - M U R F A T L A R


Basarabi-Murfatlar is a chalk hill, into which the people of the Xth and XIth centuries have dug caves, later transformed into churches. It is the place where Bulgarians, Byzantines, Pechenegs and Russians met. It is a place where naïve popular graffiti turned into art. It is a huge enigma. It is the key to the migration period history of Dobrudja. It is destroyed. It cannot and should not be visited. It is deteriorating day by day.


The short and badly done Basarabi-Murfatlar documentary we made back in 2005 (28 Mb)

In Romanian, the monograph on the old Patzinakia site.
This is a completely unprofessional and random colation of various film shots put to music. It may help you understand what the complex is all about, but we are not particularly proud of the way we did it...



Here one will find a lot of material, plainly raw, uninterpreted. These includes a lot of photos taken during our 2003 two visits (March and June), organized according to the chambers they were taken in, or to the various parts of the complex. One will also be able to find here scanned images of the tools discovered at the Basarabi-Murfatlar site, archive photographs and drawings from the National Institute of Historical Monuments, Bucharest, and layouts and plans. All these data have been published on the web in order to offer researchers the basic material to study.

Vladimir AGRIGOROAEI, "Vikingi sau ruşi. Noi cercetări asupra complexului de la Basarabi-Murfatlar"

Vladimir AGRIGOROAEI, "Liana Grigore, Istoric al descoperirii, scurtă prezentare a şantierului şi monumentelor de la Basarabi-Murfatlar (manuscris din arhiva INMI) "


Vladimir AGRIGOROAEI, "Trois techniques d'excavation. Nouvelles recherches sur le complexe Basarabi-Murfatlar"

As far as we know, it is complete. We have excluded material not having anything to do with scientific data, such as newspaper articles. In case you know various other articles we have missed, please let us know.

Alexander FETISOV (translation Irina GALKOVA), "The 'Rurikid Sign' from the B3 Church at Basarabi-Murfatlar"

Expoziţia Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a României: "O istorie în cretă. Complexul rupestru de la Murfatlar-Basarabi"