  • Age: 24
  • Languages: Spanish, English
  • Height: 180
  • Country: Peru
  • Population: 29,496,000
  • Area Total: 1,285,216 km2

I was born on a country which I am very proud of and now I wish to show the culture and strength of its people through me.

I am studying medicine and I am fascinated by my career. Also, working as model has allowed me to develop other aspects of my life and it is a way to build my future.

Based on effort and being positive I have achieved many good things, despite “I´m a little unskilled for some things”. My big family and God give me energy to fulfill my goals... always.


Nací en un país del cual  me siento muy orgullosa y ahora quiero mostrar la cultura y la fuerza de su pueblo a través mío.

Estoy estudiando medicina humana y me fascina mi carrera. Además, el trabajar como modelo me ha permitido desarrollar otros aspectos de mi vida y es una manera de construir mi futuro.

Sobre la base de esfuerzo y de ser positiva es  que he logrado muchas cosas buenas, a pesar de " De que soy un poco inexperta para algunas cosas". Mi gran familia y Dios me dan energía para cumplir siempre con mis objetivos.


Giuliana is from Lima and is the fifth year of her degree at medical school. She enjoys singing, reading and dancing and describes herself as being a hardworking, proactive and sensitive person. She also recently started learning to play the flute.

Whatever happens that doesn't stop you, will cause you to go faster.