Culture and Traditions

We - Uzbeks have an interesting rich cultural heritage from the merging of centuries old and modern civilizations. Wherever you come in Uzbekistan, Everywhere hospitable hosts will greet you, saying "Assalomu Alaykum!" It seems that there is nothing special when people greet their friends, relatives and guests. But in Uzbekistan, the greeting is something special. The words of the greeting follow in a definite order, for example: " Assalomu Alaykum! Yahshi yuribsizmi? Uyingizdigilar tinch-omon, yahshi yurishibdimi?" From Uzbek it means: "Hi! How are you? How are your nears and dears?" answering the questions the interlocutor shall ask the same questions.

When men meet each other they shake their hands by putting their left hand on their heart, which means that the greeting comes from the deep heart. The best tradition of Uzbeks is hospitality. Everyone, regardless of position is always treated as if he was sent by God. Even the poor are always trying to share with travelers whatever they can offer and their only demand as payment for their hospitality is that traveler relates his stories to them.

Curiosity is another feature of Uzbek people. They like to communicate with others and interact between themselves. They like meeting people and hope that by treating their guests warmly the gesture will be reciprocated. Another common pastime of Uzbek people, they like to spend their leisure time in bazaars and Choyhonas!

A lot more detailed information about Uzbek culture can be found from UzDessert portal.

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