Steve The Sound Guy

Steve "The Sound Guy"

Picture Credit,

What up everyone, and welcome to another McInterview. Today I interviewed Steve “The Sound” Guy from Dangerous Women of Wrestling. DWOW is a unique product that gets unfairly scrutinized and bad mouthed, because they are doing something that no one else is doing. Being a fan of DWOW, and appreciating what they do, it was a pleasure to sit down with Steve “The Sound Guy”, who not only wrestles, but runs DWOW. DWOW has a show Sept 24, check the press releases for more. For more on DWOW, you can check the McTape Review section, to see a DWOW review. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did.

Interview with Dangerous Women of Wrestling’s SOUND GUY

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: How did you get into pro wrestling?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: I always loved Wrestling since I was a kid. Through my Ex-Ho, I met ECW promoter’s Dan & Heather Kowal.

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: How did G.L.O.O.W form?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: How did it turn into D.W.O.W? Dan & Heather had a concept of an all Oil Women’s Federation… G.L.O.O.W. (Gorgeous Ladies of Oil Wrestling). We used such talent as Nicole Bass, Ryan Shamrock and Shannon “Dallas” Hall (American Gladiators) to headline our events. Yes, these are the same videos floating around on EBAY! That all started in 1999. As time went by G.L.O.O.W. modified itself into The Gorgeous Ladies of Outrageous Wrestling. Some of the girls began training and we begun to develop our own talent. We started with our custom 12 x 12 Pro Wrestling Ring and have entertained many crowds since. Our show has definitely changed from 1999 to current. We debuted The Dangerous Women of Wrestling imprint in February 2003. We have characters like… G.I. Ho “America’s Hardcore Ho” (she loves chicks and loves to get around), Tai “Killer” Weed (she loves to smoke pot) and Missy “The Schoolgirl” (what perv doesn’t like Schoolgirls?!?!), to name a few. I don’t see anything innocent or wholesome (and trust me, we try not to be!) about our product. The Dangerous Women of Wrestling can best be described as the female version of ECW. We have been given that tag by many people who have seen our show or website. We have a solid underground following that buys tickets, videos, assorted other merchandise, watches our television show and follows our company. We openly promote T&A;, and we see absolutely nothing wrong with it! Wrestling is entertainment and we cater to just that. We give respect to the other companies trying their own styles, whatever it may be… hardcore, strong style, ultra violent, whatever… It’s all entertainment. We prefer to market women. When you watch or view our product, relax… have an open mind… and be entertained. Stop taking life… and wrestling for that fact, so seriously!

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: Do you get alot of criticism for having a non-traditional wrestling product? If so, how do you deal with it?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: We get a ton of criticism. But the funny thing is everyone knows in some aspect about our Dysfunctional Company. Most people won’t admit to watching or knowing about our product, but we are well aware that many people take notice to us. As far as dealing with it, we don’t. We march to our own drum, this is what I think pisses off the most people!

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: What does DWOW offer that no other promotion offers?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: Complete and utter mayhem! Plus what I answered in the latter part of question 2 above.

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: How come DWOW usually runs on weeknights, instead of the usual Fridays/Saturdays that other companies run on? Do you think that by running on weeknights, you hurt your attendance?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: Our show was developed for Nightclubs and Bars weekday entertainment. These venues usually don’t need our services on the weekend as they already have their programs built up. We do however run some events on the weekends. Our shows mainly cater to a 21 and over crowd, but we do run occasional “all ages” events. We of course subtract some obvious over-the-top t&a; elements when it is an all age’s show. As far as our attendance goes, we usually average 350 and upwards for a weeknight show. Let’s break that down for a second. 350 --- over 21 --- alcohol buying patrons. It’s a win; win for the bar and our company. We draw better than majority of the indies when they run weekends! We average over a 1,000 for our “all ages” events. So to answer the second question… No.

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: Why is Smoke the commissioner of DWOW? What does he add to the product besides a bad Rock impersonation?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: Ah, The Smoke… He’s a character to say the least! To meet and know the Smoke is a pleasure all in its own. The Smoke was chosen because of his gimmick, you know the one everyone just loves to hate! People don’t even realize they buy into his gimmick, but they do ALL the time! The Smoke ads a very comedic, self inflicting heat to our shows. He’s a genius! Here’s a question to you and the readers… If The Smoke, by chance, happened to do an excellent Rock impersonation would you be more apt to like him and his character? I’ll answer that for you… probably NOT!

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: You have maybe the best production/tapes in the indies today. Have you ever had any job offers from other indy feds to help them work on their presentation of their products?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: I appreciate the compliment! I have been working very hard on our releases. I assume you’re talking about our Hovember release which has received much praise from REAL Wrestling reporters, like yourself. We can appreciate that they have taken the time and viewed our release and understand what we’re trying to accomplish. We were looking, and have succeeded to make our mark with all the time and production that went into editing and putting the Hovember DVDs together (state of the art editing, graphics and DVD menus). All and all, everyone seems to like and enjoy our product, especially Hovember. As for being offered any jobs, I’ve had a few requests, but no replies. A video production like what I produce can literally be very expensive, especially with all the capturing, editing, producing, post production and DVD creation. I’m a full production house and I offer a very competitive rate and can mold it to almost any company’s budget. However, most Indies don’t have a pot to piss in. However, my first priority is The Dangerous Women of Wrestling. I also would like to thank our camera crews from ModTrom and SmartMark, without those guys I would have no footage to edit and create! I can be reached for video production, editing and DVD creation at

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: What do you think about the internets role in wrestling today?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: It’s good and bad. It’s good that you can expose your product worldwide and bad in the same instance. You lose the “entertainment / soap opera” feel from back in the 80’s. Wrestling has become almost too accessible. By people knowing everything, takes away from storylines and the shows. I’d rather be surprised when someone new debuts and not have to worry about the promotion selling more tickets because they need to promote that person for ticket sales.

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: What do you think about the current state of indy wrestling today?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: Indy wrestling is the only alternative people have to the WWE. However, most Independent Wrestling shows should never happen. Promotion and Marketing is the key to success… and keys to their failures when not performed properly. Amongst other things…

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: Who are your favorite women wrestlers?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: I really don’t have one. But like you, and others I would say the Riptide / Amy Lee match from Hovember is VERY memorable!

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: What was it like working with Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: It was a f’n experience. Here I am in the ring with two 80 year old women. I give them much respect, not so much as to where they’ve been but that two 80 year olds are in the ring with two guys who out weigh them and are a 100 years younger then them combined. My grandmother is like 70 and can barely walk and here are these two broads putting up a fight. The crowd loved them and they both still have it. If they lived closer to the promotion, we would use them on EVERY show!

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: What would you call the pinnacle of your career? Low point of your career?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: I have a few highlights… 1) Was performing in front of 20,000 Screaming Maniacs at The First Union Center in Philadelphia, PA as I was pelted with various objects, food and drinks after I removed an Eagles jersey to expose a New York Giants jersey. 2) Working Moolah & Mae with the Smoke (and calling the match in post production) 3) Running the ONLY Women’s Wrestling company still in existence since 1999. As for the most embarrassing moment… anytime a fat MAE Family member (the fat pigs of the company) sticks their stinky ass near or in my face!

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: What are your career goals?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: I would like to see The Dangerous Women of Wrestling expand into at least a dozen markets and be able to fill 1,500 seat arenas on consistent basis. I would also like to land a National Distribution deal for our videos / DVDS (which is currently in the works) so that our material would be available in every chain store (Wal Mart, Best Buy, etc… )

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: What do you have to say to anyone reading this?

Steve “The Sound Guy”: Don’t ever give up on your dreams! Work hard… very hard at whatever you want to succeed. Check out our site at
for something a little off the beaten path of regular Pro Wrestling. Pick up a copy of the Hovember (The Double DVD Set) and see what the hype is all about.

Finally, for those 21 and over check out the girls Wednesday, September 24th 2003 at Tuxedo Junction (2 Ives Street, Danbury, CT 203-748-2561) for “One Night Affair”, which is a LIVE NATIONAL DVD TAPING! And thanks for reading my garbage!

Sean “The MiC” McCaffrey: Thanks for this interview and see you the 24th!