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Westboro Baptist Church promises appearance at Whitney Houston funeral, taunts fans on Twitter

Published: Saturday, February 18, 2012, 10:48 AM     Updated: Saturday, February 18, 2012, 11:41 AM

Whitney Houston funeral in Newark: Feb. 18, 2012
Enlarge The media surrounds Rev. Jesse Jackson before Whitney Houston's funeral today in Newark. Whitney Houston funeral photos gallery (24 photos)

NEWARK — Westboro Baptist, the church known for flamboyant hate speech at funerals and other public events, threatened to make an appearance near the funeral of Whitney Houston, but so far today the protesters are a no-show.

A string of tweets from an account identified as that of Margie Phelps, daughter of the church's pastor Fred Phelps, continued today from the handle @MargieJPhelps.

She thanked media outlets for covering her, and taunted fans of Houston, who responded to her tweets.

"God's in charge;not you thugs. MT @ChefRoble: If Westboro goes to NEWARK NJ(Brick City)to Whitney's funeral,people will go to hospital&jail.;"

"This isn't a debate.Obey God or perish. MT @faraichideya: If Westboro pickets Whitney Houston funeral, Baptist on Baptist confrontation."

"@PreciousBarbieQ Hush up all that mindless raging. God killed Whitney Houston. Get a clue! Obey Him!"

"Yay! 2 pickets in NJ-Whitney Houston funeral & legis. MY @NJ_News: NJ gay marriage bill passes in state Senate, 24-16. Story coming shortly."

In recent months, the small but well-known church promised to protest at the funerals of Penn State football coach Joe Paterno and Charlie and Braden Powell, Washington State boys killed after their father Josh Powell blew up their home.

Margie Phelps and fans of the church reveled in today's coverage of Westboro and her Twitter threats.

She retweeted one message:

"SA-WEEEEET! Preach it, heathen! .@HuffingtonPost: "Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Whitney Houston's funeral”

and tweeted her own thanks to the Huffington Post for coverage.

Sweet story! MT @PHILIPGRANGER: Whitney Houston's Funeral To Be Picketed By Westboro Baptist Church via @HuffingtonPost

Related coverage:

Westboro Baptist Church says it will picket at funeral of Joe Paterno

Westboro Baptist Church calls off protest at Powell boys' funeral

Related topics: newark, whitney-houston

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