QS Asian University Rankings by criteria in 2011

Citations per Faculty in 2011

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Regional rankings shine a light on local excellence in Asia and Latin America
By Danny Byrne, Editor of TopUniversities.com
This year’s QS University Rankings: Asia results show that competition in the region is growing more intense every year.
by John O’Leary
Youth is on the march in Asia. Not only are four of the continent’s top ten universities less than 50 years old, but they are also among the leading institutions in the world for their age.
The story of the 21st century so far is the story of China’s growing importance. How far is its economic success reflected in its standing in Asian higher education?
Performance of Korean universities gives cause for optimism
This year’s QS University Rankings: Asia suggests that Korea’s ambitious higher education investments are beginning to pay dividends.
Japan’s economy has been surpassed in size by that of China and more recently, by some reports, that of India too.
QS Asian University Rankings™ 2011 reveal young universities such as HKUST and KAIST emerging as the new leaders, says Kanika Tandon
Martin Ince analyzes the perfomance of South Korean universities in this year's Asian rankings
John O'Leary summarizes the 2011 QS Asian University Rankings™
Danny Byrne looks at how far the universities of two emerging world superpowers have to go to reach their ambitious targets