
Recommend on Search, Share on Google+

+1 gets conversations going. Click the +1 button to give something your public stamp of approval. Then, if you want to share right away, add a comment and send it to the right circles on Google+.

The next time your friends and contacts search on Google, they could see your +1. You’ll help them find the best stuff on the web – and you might just start up another conversation!

Go to Google+

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The right time, the right people

Share when it matters. +1 lets you share recommendations with friends, contacts and the rest of the web when your advice is most helpful – on Google search. Or, if you want to start a conversation right now, it’s easy to pick the circles who’ll find it interesting and post to Google+.

Your collection of internet treasures

Each time you click +1, you're adding to the batch of cool, helpful, or just plain ridiculous things you've found across the web. You'll find your full list of +1's in a special tab on your public Google profile. You can show your +1's tab to the world or choose to hide it. Either way, it's the place you'll go to personally manage the ever-expanding record of things you love around the web.

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