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Our goal is to help you get the fastest answer to your question. Here's how you can find what you're looking for:

  • The fastest way to find answers is to look in our Help Center. To troubleshoot your issue, please also try our Troubleshooter and review our list of Known Issues.
  • The next fastest way to get help is to post your question to the Product Forum. This community of users, together with a Google Guide who posts periodically, enjoys helping each other figure out the best ways to use our product.
  • Partner Provided Support. If your needs include professional services like phone support, custom installation, and report data analysis, please contact one of our Google Analytics Certified Partners.
  • Email support for AdWords customers. If you are an AdWords customer, you can also log into your AdWords account and click on the Analytics email support options.

    For all other issues, please search the Help Center or ask for help in the Product Forum.