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Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Also called: Acne inverse, Suppurative hidradenitis 

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic disease of a type of sweat gland. It can occur in one or multiple areas of your body. HS usually develops in your armpits, groin and anal area. It causes long-term skin inflammation and can be painful.

Symptoms include

  • Blackheads and red, tender bumps, called abscesses. The abscesses get bigger, break open and leak pus
  • Tunnels that form under the skin between abscesses
  • Scarring

No one knows what causes HS. It is more common in women, African-Americans and people who have had acne. It usually starts after the teenage years. Treatments include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medicines and sometimes surgery. Losing weight and wearing loose clothing can help, too.



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National Institutes of Health