
Ethnologue: Languages of the World
16th edition

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Ethnologue > Web version > Country index > Pacific > Australia > Iwaidja


A language of Australia

ISO 639-3ibd

Population  150 (2000 N. Evans).
Region  Northern Territory, Croker Island.
Language map  Northern Australia, reference number 7
Alternate names   Eiwaja, Ibadjo, Iwaidji, Iwaydja, Jiwadja, Karadjee, Limba
Dialects  Iwaydja.
Classification  Australian, Yiwaidjan, Yiwaidjic
Language use  Some domains. Some children. Also use English.
Language development  Dictionary. Grammar.
Writing system  Latin script.

Entries from the SIL Bibliography about this language:

Academic Publications

HUDSON, Joyce, editor. 1977. Five papers in Australian phonologies.

LARRIMORE, Bonnie; PYM, Noreen, authors. 1979. Papers on Iwaidja phonology and grammar.

PYM, Noreen, author. 1981. Iwaidja: An analysis of discourse phonology.

PYM, Noreen, author. 1985. Iwaidja verbal clauses.

PYM, Noreen; SAYERS, Barbara J., authors. 1977. Notes on rhythmic patterning in Iwaidja.