绝食宣言 – Hunger strike declaration – English

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Slowly walking on the long road, we become very tired, but we never give up. 我们相信坚持就能看到希望,我们走过一个年头,这些日子不管是风雨交加的八号风球,还是三十多度的炎夏,我们撑着伞,我们任由大汗迭小汗地走在街头上,走在人群中,为了的是我们的下一代,为了的是香港的下一代。



Our hunger strike is not a way to threaten the government with our lives, even less an attempt at becoming heroes, 所谓“民以食为天”,we abandon food, the most fundamental human need, in order to tell the government our commitment and resolution, and we request the government to immediately withdraw patriotic education classes. 亦希望我们放下欲望的同时,大家能够和我们一同关注,甚至专注。

We know very well how valuable life is, but we know even more that our next generation cannot become puppets, and we’re determined to let them have their own thoughts and emotions. 如今我们放下最基本也是最需要的,不是愚昧,是我们已无计可施了。包围中联办、追击吴克俭、九万名市民游行、摆设街站收集十万个签名、追击候选人、长征……一切一切我们都尝试了,但政府仍然充耳不闻,“卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭”,政府的卑鄙我们看到了,但我们绝不可允许他的通行,我们绝不可低头,我们坚持信念,要求撤回国民教育科。

For freedom of thought, for emotional freedom, for the next generation, for Hong Kong’s tomorrow, we have resolved to go on a hunger strike, and our resolution is firm. 撤回洗脑国民教育课事不宜迟,梁振英政府必须站出来响应要求,面对民意,你责无旁贷。我们相信明天的阳光,也相信我们能够每天看到晨曦的阳光。

Source: CoChina, 30 August 2012. Also available at 1510.



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About julien.leyre

I'm a Frenchman living in Melbourne, Australia, and I've been learning Chinese since 2008. I travelled there on three occasions, and lived in Tianjin for two months in July-August 2011. I'm a writer, a language educator, and a community builder. I'm particularly fascinated by the way the internet is changing social relations, and our use of language. I founded the Marco Polo Project in early 2011, trying to bring together my interest for languages and online writing, and Australia's unique position as an interface between Europe, Asia and America.