Gemini 2 October


May 21 - Jun 21

Today's Horoscope

You might feel criticised by a friend today. Before you take this on board or let it affect your self-esteem, determine whether this issue was not as a result of a miscommunication. If not, you know you should draw a line.

Weekly overview for all star signs

We’re all creating our world with our thoughts and words. We make problems, and solve them, with thinking and speaking. To flavour this mix, emotions could stir up muddy water, except for those who are wise and strong enough to keep feelings under control. Trust your love, and trust in the people who love you, and this week will turn out well.

Success strategies for the week

• Talking solves problems • Keep emotions under control • Look through the eyes of love

Quote of the week

The eyes - those silent tongues of love. ~Miguel de Cervantes 1547-1616 Spanish novelist, playwright and poet.

Silly Astrology

Are you feeling more frivolous about your astrological self?

Pick a playful option below

Important Days

  •  Sunday to Wednesday 25-28 March
    Mercury and Jupiter connect

    Good communication keeps the wheels turning. If you need to talk about a money matter with someone, these are good days for that. You will both remain sensible, focused and fair. Your own worth also becomes clearer and more solid. Pay attention to feedback, and you’ll have no doubt that you have something of value to offer.

  •  Wednesday to Friday 28-30 March
    Sun challenges Pluto

    Between Wednesday and Friday, everyone has potential to be unusually explosive and temperamental. Take care of your own emotions, and if you feel a wobble coming on, try to hold out till the weekend, when the turmoil will settle. By controlling your feelings you will gain power over them.

Current Trends

  •  Until 14 April
    Saturn and Neptune in harmony (and again, later in the year)

    A new phase begins on Thursday, bringing with it an ability to hold the peace, with maturity and discipline. This is a special gift from the heavens, at this Christmas time. If each one takes responsibility for their own part, there can be peace and harmony, all the way till April. Focus on faith that, in the end all will be well. This is an opportunity. Take it, or leave it.

  •  Until 3 July 2012
    Mars in Virgo

    Make the most of this productive time. Be clear about your desires, and set about achieving them in practical, methodical ways. Just keep going. Ignore criticism. Pay attention to the details. You have a right to create the kind of world that you desire.

Your Body

  •  Tuesday to Friday 27-30 March
    Waxing Gemini Moon. Sun in Aries

    Have you found just the right medical doctor for yourself, and your family? As strange as it may seem, when the Moon is in Gemini it's a good time to seek out the right physician, therapist or healer. So if this is a fuzzy area in your life, ask around - among your friends.

Your Emotions

  •  Thursday to Sunday 27-30 March
    Waxing Gemini Moon. Sun in Aries

    Have you found just the right medical doctor for yourself, and for your family? When the Moon is in Gemini it's a good time to seek out the right physician, therapist or healer. So if this is a fuzzy area in your life, ask around among your friends about who would be best to care for you and your loved ones.


Be a bit more sensitive to the needs of your partner today. You tend to be a very more

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