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Comprehensive information about hemorrhoidal disease and overview on therapeutic options and the effectiveness of topical treatments.

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Umfassende Informationen zu Hämorriden und ihren Erkrankungen sowie ein Überblick über Behandlungsoptionen und die Wirksamkeit topischer Therapien.

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DermIS.net is the largest dermatology information service available on the internet. It offers elaborate image atlases (DOIA and PeDOIA) complete with diagnoses and differential diagnoses, case reports and additional information on almost all skin diseases

Additionally, DermIS offers:

Information modules on selected diseases

Information on skin diseases, illustrated by photographic images (e.g. rosacea and eczema). Descriptions, therapeutic measures and skin care suggestions
Organisations which are hosted by DermIS

Web pages of German, European and international medical organisations.

Additional Information

A large collection of links with web pages of hospitals, medical journals and much more.

A cooperation between the Dept. of Clinical Social Medicine (Univ. of Heidelberg) and the Dept. of Dermatology (Univ. of Erlangen)

Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg Universitätsklinikum Erlangen

Universities of Erlangen and Heidelberg