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They tried to make her go to rehab
Amy Winehouse was pronounced dead less than 24 hours ago. The cause? Most likely drug and alcohol overdose or related complications. The entire downward spiral started in Belgrade with a horrific performance by Winehouse where she appeared to not even be certain of what country she was in.

By Simon Moore

We now live in an age where technology and support structures plus a better understanding of how to ingest copious amounts of drugs without tipping the scale has meant the waiting and watching game to see when a Rockstar overdoses or dies is now pretty much gone (cue pete doherty?)

Amy Winehouse
provided a delicate exception and she has now waltzed her way into the infamous “27 club”. Morrison, Cobain and Jimi Hendrix lead the group of influential musicians who died aged 27. So Amy Winehouse is the proud member of a literally dying breed. 

Many will say it is sad to see a musician die so young, without achieving her potential and with so much more to offer the world. However the sad fact is that Winehouse released an amazing album with her soulful, beautiful and haunting voice five years ago. Since then we have seen nothing besides tabloid gold and a forlorn family trying to ring in a young lady that could not stop the party.

As we see the witty Tweets emerge and society turn for a brief moment to contemplate the end to half a decade of following Amy’s antics, we will certainly see a few British paparazzi taking a bit of a rest and some surprisingly empty women’s day and Who magazines. Here’s to hoping that her music will be remembered for its artistic sake and we do not see her excessive lifestyle glorified... too much.

Have you ever had any Winehouse moments? Why have the number of Musicians dying from angst, drugs and alcohol been reduced? Think, reflect and remember... Disqus!

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Amy Winehouse dead at 27
24 jul  |  Amy Winehouse dead at 27 . . read more
Amy Winehouse Goes To Rehab
15 aug  |  In a case of life imitating art, Amy Winehouse has just checked into rehab. Here's her breakthrough single from 2006. . . read more
Queens of the Stone Age - Feel Good Hit of the Summer
12 aug  |  Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol. C-C-C-Cocaine. The Queens of the Stone Age with their classic feel good hit for any season. . . read more
Norway vs Winehouse: the consumer takes the lead
25 jul  |  By Sean Maguire

This weekend had not one but two pieces of unforgettable news; the first was a lone gunman who massacred 92 people in Norway, the second was troubled singer Amy Winehouse's untimely but not unexpected death. 

Which attracted more comment and more interest around the world?

Now you can sit back and blame the media for a sick set of priorities that sees the life of one given more space to the life of many; in reality the media is the clearest and most relfective mirror society has. 

It gives us the Page 3 Stunna, gossip about drug addicted celebrities and it even occasionally cries foul about the techniques it uses to give us such salacious material.

You might not think about it but every time you click on an article about Amy Winehouse and not Norway you're sending a clear message to editors about what the world wants to read.

Do you think about what you read/watch as one of many that decides what gets reported? Does the media have a responsibility to report what we need to know or what we will read? Tell us and remember...Disqus!  . . read more

Blink and it's gone - the peril of blinkering the mainstream
2 aug  | 

By Max Skilbeck-Porter

In my living room with the light down low, i am enjoying Amy Winhouse's record "Back to Black". To many around the world, this would not be much of an event; she was one of the most recognised figures in popular culture and with her untimely demise came obituaries in just about any publication at the news stand.

But for me it is strange, before her death i had barely acknowledged her existence.

Little did i know of her incredible emotional and lyrical depth to her work; it truly does stand up to many of the greats that have come before her, people like Patti Smith and Janis Joplin, she had that sort of magic.

Besides her obvious afflictions, she was an artist with true talent. I suppose if her death taught me anything it's that sometimes the mainstream does get it right, and obstinately blinkering it can block you off from some great stuff.

From here on in I'll be paying a little more attention to the hair dressers radio, and i'll be enjoying Amy, and maybe even more; time will tell.


Does the catch word of the "mainstream" ever blind you to seeing great art? Do tragedies like the death of Amy Winehouse ever lead you to reconsider a body of work that you hadn't given any attention? Tell us and remember...Disqus!

 . . read more
Ozzy Osbourne: sex advice columnist
9 nov  |  Ozzy Osbourne: sex advice columnist  . . read more
Hell City Glamours: "One Night Only"
10 aug  |  Hell City Glamours: "One Night Only" . . read more
Ok Go: this too shall pass
7 jul  |  Ok Go: this too shall pass . . read more
Lightspeed Champion - Galaxy Of The Lost
9 apr  |  My neck will burn as we kiss and I'm sick in your mouth. I know you want more. Well kiss my open wounds and add some ice, and choke on my sick vice... Galaxy of the Lost from ex-Test Icicle Dev's new band Lightspeed Champion. . . read more
The Spears - Britney Jean
17 dec  |  Why do all my heroes go insane? A musical homage to Britney Spears and Michael Jackson. . . read more
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"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." -- Ronald Reagan (1986)