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Construction priorities for HISD are set


FRI 10/06/1989 HOUSTON CHRONICLE, Section A, Page 32, 3 STAR Edition

Houston Independent School District Superintendent Joan Raymond on Thursday unveiled a what-comes-first list of school renovations under a four-year, $371 million district improvement plan known as Project Renewal.

The list sets priorities for construction projects for 79 schools and 12 administrative buildings in the district. Costs of the renovations and additions to the schools range from $11.6 million for Bellaire High School to $460,000 for Oak Forest Elementary.

Start dates on the 91 projects are staggered quarterly over a two-year period beginning in December and continuing until December 1991.

Among the first to be started will be Bellaire High School, the costliest renovation. HISD Trustee Tina Reyes said Bellaire missed out on previous renovation projects and has not had any significant improvements in more than two decades.

The schedule for new schools to be built under the plan has yet to be determined. Architects for the new schools probably will be selected in December, Raymond said.

Construction of some new schools already has begun, but they were schools that originated under plans predating Project Renewal, spokeswoman Ria Griffin said.

Raymond's priority list covered only the first phase of the 10-year, two phase Project Renewal plan. Voters in March approved a $300 million bond issue to cover costs of the first phase.

The second phase, costing $258 million, will be started in 1993. It may be funded through either another bond issue or a tax increase, officials say.

Under the total plan, HISD will build 14 new elementary schools, two middle schools and two high schools to relieve overcrowding in the district. However, Raymond said another elementary school may be added to the list to relieve unanticipated overcrowding at Cunningham Elementary, 5100 Gulfton.

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