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Tulsa mayor-elect, newly elected councilors sworn in

Newly elected mayor Dewey Bartlett Jr. stands with his wife Victoria as Judge K. Frizzell administers the oath of office during swearing-in ceremonies in the Tulsa Convention Center Ballroom Monday in Tulsa. MICHAEL WYKE/Tulsa WorldNewly elected mayor Dewey Bartlett Jr. gives remarks as the entire city council sits behind him before they all take the oath of office during swearing-in ceremonies in the Tulsa Convention Center Ballroom Monday in Tulsa. MICHAEL WYKE/Tulsa World


Mayor Dewey Bartlett Jr. and the newly elected city councilors and auditor were sworn in today in the first event held in the Tulsa Convention Center's new addition.

Before being officially sworn in Monday, Bartlett said he will take the office with humility.

"I appreciate the confidence the citizens of Tulsa have put in me," he said.

Bartlett thanked Mayor Kathy Taylor for her service to the city and said he will continue to focus on the city's business relationships.

He presented her with the gift of a framed political cartoon featuring her.

Bartlett said his goals will be to make Tulsa the energy capital of the world, find cooperative ventures and provide new economic opportunities for citizens.

"With our collective cooperation we will see and experience the end of the rainbow," he said.

Rick Brinkley, president of the Better Business Bureau of Eastern Oklahoma, presided over the ceremony.

He said the incoming councilors and the new administration have shown the courage to stand up for their beliefs.

"They need to understand that they got in the race, and fought for every vote, for the opportunity to run this city," Brinkley said. "And the reality is not that we want them to do that, but that we need them to do that."

The event was at the Tulsa Ballroom, which, at 30,000 square feet, is the state's largest and is the focal point of the $50.5 million expansion and renovation of the Convention Center, paid for through the Vision 2025 initiative.

A reception was to follow the ceremony.

In addition to Bartlett, those sworn in today included Jack Henderson in Council District 1, Rick Westcott in District 2, Roscoe Turner in District 3, Maria Barnes in District 4, Chris Trail in District 5, Jim Mautino in District 6, John Eagleton in District 7, Bill Christiansen in District 8, G.T. Bynum in District 9, and Preston Doerflinger as city auditor.

Immediately after the ceremony, the councilors will meet briefly to select their chairman and vice chairman. Westcott, a Republican who is the vice chairman now, is in line to become the chairman, but that depends on the vote.

Historically, the political parties have rotated the chairmanship and vice chairmanship annually, with the Republicans holding one while the Democrats hold the other.

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Team Bartlett: Tulsa's incoming mayor establishes 4 key positions

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