Updated:March 2004

Great Circle Distance between CANBERRA and COWRA


Place Name: CANBERRA

Distance is approximately 170.3 km

This distance calculator computes the great circle distance between points. It is based on spherical trigonometry, and assumes that one minute of arc is one nautical mile, and one nautical mile is 1.852 km. Indicatively, Cocky Calculations are accurate to:

  • a few 10s of metres over short (approx. 10 km) lines
  • a few 100 metres over a few 100 km, and
  • a few kilometres over 1000s of kilometres.

Find out more about calcuating distances on the earth by visiting our Geodesy pages.

Calculate another distance or use your browser's BACK button to compute distance to another destination.


Place Name: COWRA
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