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Archive for March, 2006

Yes Virginia, The Fed Is Santa Claus

Norm Singleton passes along this helpful government Web page: “The Federal Reserve For Kids.” You see, kids, we live in a world where, given the normal nature of things and the way people would interact with one another in business if left to their own devices, everything just gets more and more expensive. It makes [...]

The Sorry State of American Politics

After five years of reckless spending, aggressive war and an advancing police state, Bush

Federal Judge Admits Informant Inside OKCBOMB Plot – Morris Dees of the SPLC Implicated

Read the ruling [.pdf] by United States District Judge Dale A. Kimball in the case of the federal torture and murder of Kenneth Trentadue. The Judge confirms the existance of the informant inside the bomb plot, and that individual’s ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Just wait, it’s Strassmeir. I bet you ten bucks. [...]

An Enemy of the State

An Enemy of the State You can call me what you care to, You can lend me love or hate, But here

Soldiers’ Regrets

Check out this video from the BBC, via Information Clearing House, about the 130 mile march of antiwar Iraq veterans from Mobile, Alabama to St. Bernard’s Parish in New Orleans, Louisiana: We’re Sorry: Former US soldiers on the personal cost of war in Iraq. It begins with a young man explaining how isolated he feels [...]

Sibel Edmonds Wins Free Speech Award

PEN American Center, “the largest of the 141 centers of International PEN, the world

Gancarski: Swing and a Miss

Remember that goofball Anthony Gancarski who got fired from AWC because his articles were pointless and stupid when they weren’t putting Michael “Machiavelli’s Ghost” Ledeen on the side of truth, and who, upon his dismissal, immediately went and started writing for David Horowitz at the very pro-war FrontPageMag? Well, he apparently decided he could shine [...]

Pipes gets it wrong

when he says, “I wish Iraq well, but I as a foreign policy analyst from the United States am not willing to take responsibility for what takes place in Iraq.” It is your responsibility, not simply for being an American, but because you pushed it.

Margolis gets it right

when he says, “The only way to drive U.S. influence out of the Muslim world, bin Laden has long maintained, is to tie it down in a series of small wars that bleed it financially. The nearly $10-billion-a-month wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are doing just that. Iraq, as even Bush admits, has become an [...]

This Man

Via Scott Horton, the human rights attorney (no relation): Eric Haney, the former command sergeant major of Delta Force, and a key advisor to CBS

Everything’s Coming Up Milhouse!

Good night and good luck getting attribution!

Larisa Alexandrovna is pissed at the AP. It seems they’ve never learned the most basic natural law: Don’t steal.


Chat with Scott during the show

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March 2006
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