
Ethnologue: Languages of the World
16th edition

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Ethnologue > Web version > Country index > Africa > Côte d’Ivoire > Aizi, Mobumrin

Aizi, Mobumrin

A language of Côte d’Ivoire

ISO 639-3ahm

Population  2,000 (1999 SIL).
Region  Southern Department, Jacqueville Subprefecture, Ebrié Lagoon north bank. 2 villages (Abraco and Abraniamiambo).
Language map  Côte d’Ivoire, reference number 46
Alternate names   Ahizi
Classification  Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Kru, Aizi
Language use  Older adults also use Adioukrou [adj]. Young learn French in school.
Language development  Literacy rate in L2: 25%–50%.
Comments  Speakers are ‘Mouin’. Their self-name is ‘Frukpu’. Adioukrou say ‘Ed-eyng’; the Alladian ‘Ezibo’ to refer to all Aizi groups. Fish merchants. Christian, Muslim.

Entries from the SIL Bibliography about this language:

Academic Publications

AUGUSTIN, MaryAnne; BOONE, Douglas W.; SILUÉ, Lamine, authors. 1999. "L'utilisation du français et de l'adioukrou par les Aïzi."

AUGUSTIN, MaryAnne; BOONE, Douglas W.; SILUÉ, Lamine, authors. 2002. "L’Utilisation du Français et de l’Adioukrou par les Aizi."  Available online