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Tim Burton's cult classic animated feature "The Nightmare Before Christmas" will receive a 13th anniversary present this month in the form of a two-disc expanded edition of its soundtrack.

Due Oct. 24 from Walt Disney Records, "The Nightmare Before Christmas 2-Disc Special Edition Soundtrack" will introduce nine new tracks to the original recording, including new versions of songs re-recorded by Marilyn Manson, Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Fiona Apple and She Wants Revenge.

The first disc includes the original score and 10 songs by composer/songwriter Danny Elfman. On the bonus disc are five new interpretations of songs from the film, including Marilyn Manson's "This Is Halloween," Fall Out Boy's "What's This?" and Fiona Apple's "Sally's Song." Rounding out the disc are four previously unreleased demo tracks from Elfman himself, "Making Christmas," "Oogie Boogie's Song," "Kidnap the Sandy Claws" and "This is Halloween."

On Oct. 31, Manson will perform his version of "This is Halloween" during his debut appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno."

Although the original theatrical release of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" had only moderate success at the box office, the film gained a significant following after its VHS and DVD releases. On Oct. 20, Disney will bring a 3-D version of the film to 200 theaters nationwide.
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