Chart/Time Scale

International Chronostratigraphic Chart

Press here (PDF or JPG) to download the latest version (July of 2012) of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart.

The old versions can be download at the following links: 2008 (PDF or JPG), 2009 (PDF or JPG), 2010 (PDF or JPG).


Global chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 2.7 million years

Click here to download the pdf file and here to download the explanation of the correlation table.


Regional chronostratigraphical correlation table for the last 270,000 years

Click HERE to download the pdf file.


Ordovician Chronostratigraphic Chart

      --- showing correlation of regional chronostratigraphic schemes with the new global stages and series for the Ordovician System

By Bergstrom, S.M., Xu Chen, Gutierrez-Marco, J.C., and Dronov, A., 2008, Lethaia, DOI 10.1111/j.1502-3931.2008.00136.x

Click HERE to download a better version (higher resolution)

Ordovician Carbon Isotope Curve

    By Bergstrom, S.M., Xu Chen, Gutierrez-Marco, J.C., and Dronov, A., 2008, Lethaia, DOI 10.1111/j.1502-3931.2008.00136.x

Click HERE to download a better version (higher resolution)


Web Master: Junxuan Fan (fanjunxuan@gmail.com)   &  Xudong Hou (houxudonggis@gmail.com)